iRTG posts

Welcome, Rene!

Rene Sattler joined our iRTG! He is working at the Fraunhofer Institute IMWS with Prof. Mario Beiner on the project “Structure Formation in linear precision and comb-like polymers under external constraints.”.

Doctoral students seminar (February 22, 2022)

Switchable PTH(25-37) fibrillation via isomerization of photoswitchable motifs
André Paschold


Effects of topological constraints in polymer melts on crystallization and structure formation
Afiq Bin Anuar

date: 22.2.22 15.00-16.30
online via zoom
chair: Matthias


Insights behind the CV (January 14, 2022)

You are warmly invited to join the informal career talk by our PI Maria Ott! In this workshop series, successful scientists share their experiences as a woman in natural science and tell the story behind their official CV. After the talk there will be enough time for informal discussion and networking.

Target audience are (female) natural scientists from our university and related institutes.

Date: January 14, 2022
hybrid: VSP 1, room 0.04 and via zoom

3G only: vaccinated, recovered or tested! + FFP2 mask