Silbersalz19 Science & Media Festival, Halle (June 20-23, 2019)

SILBERSALZ is the first international science film festival of its kind, taking place in 2019 from 20. until 23. June 2019 for the second time in Halle.

As a combination of festival and conference, SILBERSALZ makes science accessible in a clear and vivid fashion while simultaneously serving as a platform for the exchange of ideas and mutual inspiration.

The aim of SILBERSALZ is to provide the general public with access to scientific topics and to allow them to ask questions, thereby promoting a lively and active engagement with science in general.

The SILBERSALZ program is extensive, varied and is aimed at anyone who is interested, whether young or old, layman or expert, science fan or skeptic.

from website of Silbersalz19

Career café at UL (June 20, 2019)

One path in life sciences leads to a focus on academic career another term of alternative career options could be industry. The “Career cafe” is designed to introduce the experiences of professionals with academic backgrounds who work in exciting positions related to environmental research. Our guests present their personal career paths and doctoral researchers have the opportunity for discussions in a relaxed atmosphere.

Guest: Dr. Diana Zindel (Laboratory Head, Lead Discovery Wuppertal, Bayer AG) Continue reading “Career café at UL (June 20, 2019)”

DPG study 2019: Die Promotion in der Physik in Deutschland

Eine Studie der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG)

Bad Honnef, 10. April 2019 – Wissenschaft ohne Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden ist kaum denkbar. Promovierende leisten einen unverzichtbaren Beitrag zur Forschung sowie zum akademischen Lehrbetrieb. Die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) hat die Promotion in der Physik in Deutschland nun umfassend untersucht. Kern der Studie ist eine Befragung, an der sich ein Viertel aller Physik-Promovierenden beteiligt hat. Aber auch die Meinung von Professorinnen und Professoren und eine Auswertung aller Promotionsordnungen gingen in die Studie ein.

„Die Studie dürfte die erste so groß angelegte fachspezifische Untersuchung zur Situation der Promotion in Deutschland sein“, kommentiert Prof. Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Sprecher der Konferenz der Fachbereiche Physik (KFP) und Hauptautor der Studie: „Sie bestätigt manche Vermutung, enthält aber auch Überraschungen.“

Read more at the press release of DPG (April 10, 2019)

or at the summary at

Young Entrepreneurs in Science | Workshops in Berlin and Dresden

Young Entrepreneurs in Science is a workshop format programme for continuing education aimed at doctoral students of all fields at German universities. This initiative, developed in cooperation with partners
in the fields of science and economics, communicates entrepreneurial skills and expertise to develop the drive for entrepreneurship amongst young scientists early on.

Flyer for workshops in Dresden (May 23-24 & June 3/4, 2019)

Flyer for workshops in Berlin (May 8-9 & June 19-20, 2019)

For more information visit:

MLU Newcomers Club | Pub-get-together (Stammtisch) 27 March 2019 @ 7 pm

You are a new research fellow in Halle and looking for people to meet? Come join us at the Irish pub for our next regular’s round on March 27 to chat, discuss, or just to grumble with your fellows!

The MLU Newcomers Club, would like to invite fellow researchers at the Uni Halle to an informal monthly round, proceeding on March 27, 7 pm at the Irish Pub Anny Kilkenny (August-Bebel-Straße 52, 06108 Halle (Saale); Don’t miss this unique opportunity to network, exchange experiences or just to find friends in a laid-back environment over a couple of drinks.