[yDiv] Introduction to career planning (August 6, 2020)

Our partner graduate school yDiv offered a career planning workshop for PhD students in their first year.

Career planning is a process that requires i.a. self-reflection, exploring of options and networking – activities that young researchers should engage in right from the beginning of their PhD project. This short introductory course was designed to give new doctoral researchers an overview of career planning and to create awareness for its importance. The following topics were covered in the course:

  • What is career planning and why think about it now, at the start of your PhD?
  • Where do people with a PhD work and which competences are required?
  • Planning without a target – how can you prepare for your next step, if you don’t know yet what that next step will be?
  • How does career exploration work and how can you set up your own IDP?

More information and registration.

Upcoming workshops by yDiv (SoSe 2020)

Our partner graduate school organized several complementary skills workshops. Some of them will take place online.

Managing Crisis: A Crash Course in Resilience and Mindfulness (April 9 + 23, 2020)
Seminar: R and teamwork for better science in less time (April 21, 2020)
Media training for PhDs (May 7, 2020)
Leadership Training with horses (May 15, 2020)
Don’t Let It Drive You Nuts! Resilience and Self-Management for Researchers (May 25 -26, 2020)
Third Party Funding Opportunities (June 5, 2020)

If you are interested, please follow the links and register at the website of yDiv.

Academic writing: How to create good texts (May 6-7, 2020)

A cooperation of INGRA and iRTG

For many young scientists writing is the most difficult part of research work. Poor structure, breakneck formulations and unclear argumentation lead to texts which are not too user friendly. However, for the success of academics it is essential that the content is successfully conveyed to the relevant target groups – from the subject community to the wider public.

The methods and instruments of scientific writing can be learnt. With a few select mechanisms for structuring and techniques for building arguments, it becomes possible to articulate even complex data clearly and comprehensibly. Coherently built up and convincingly formulated, even academic texts can be an exciting read!

Continue reading “Academic writing: How to create good texts (May 6-7, 2020)”

How to write a persuasive job application – how to make it in the job interview (July 9-10, 2020)

Scientists make a lot of mistakes as soon as they start to apply outside science. This workshop was aimed at helping Scientists to write a convincing application and to be successful in the job interview.
This workshop was held as an online workshop.

Continue reading “How to write a persuasive job application – how to make it in the job interview (July 9-10, 2020)”

[TRR 227] Debate training for the awareness for gender related topics at FU Berlin (January 20-21, 2020)

Debating equally enables women and men to discuss gender-matters. By means of explaining the advantages and disadvantages of a topic, a high analytical depth is achieved in argumentation, which helps participants to reflect their own way of thinking and to voice their opinions in daily life.


  • Finding sound arguments as well as checking their relevance
  • Building arguments in a coherent and convincing manner
  • Being able to refute solid arguments
  • Presenting oneself in a self-confident manner, even if the audience is a discerning one
  • Handling interruptions and fault-finding questions in a confident manner


Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin

Link to further information and registration