Academic Writing – July 10-11, 2018

For many young scientists writing is the most difficult part of research work. Poor structure, breakneck formulations and unclear argumentation lead to texts which are not too user friendly. However, for the success of academics it is essential that the content is successfully conveyed to the relevant target groups – from the subject community to the wider public. Continue reading “Academic Writing – July 10-11, 2018”

Career workshop: How to write a persuasive job application – how to convince it in the job interview (June 19-20, 2018)

Scientists make a lot of mistakes as soon as they start to apply outside science. This workshop was aimed at helping scientists in writing a convincing application and to be successful in the job interview.

Continue reading “Career workshop: How to write a persuasive job application – how to convince it in the job interview (June 19-20, 2018)”

Funding Opportunities for Early Career Scientists with focus on DFG Research Grants (June 7, 2018)

Within this workshop we guided participants shortly through the funding programs of the German research association and other research funding organizations of relevance. Aim of the seminar was to shed light on the detailed structure, important points to make one’s proposal competitive as well as all formal aspects of the DFG-proposal (Basic Module & Module Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators). Continue reading “Funding Opportunities for Early Career Scientists with focus on DFG Research Grants (June 7, 2018)”

Time and Self-Management (May 28, 2018)

Time-management is not something just theoretical: understanding the principles it is essential but the application to day by day life is what really matters. Therefore, this course was divided in two workshops separated by roughly a month. During the time in between participants had the opportunity to try the techniques and principles learned in the first workshop. In same cases it was just about observing their processes and behaviors with a new understanding. During the second workshop we built upon their observations and experiences: Continue reading “Time and Self-Management (May 28, 2018)”

Presentation and Rhetoric (January 23-24, 2018)

More than ever, sophisticated presentation skills were vital to one’s professional career in academia.

Junior scientists were regularly called upon to present the results of their research, rarely having been given formal training in presentation skills.

The main focus of this workshop was to help participants master the art of persuasive and compelling presentations and to enhance their rhetorical skills.

Continue reading “Presentation and Rhetoric (January 23-24, 2018)”

Compact Course “Basic teaching“ (November 28-29, 2017)

In this compact course participants got an introduction to the fundamentals of academic teaching. Special emphasis was put on teaching in natural sciences and on the “Four Laws”.

Continue reading “Compact Course “Basic teaching“ (November 28-29, 2017)”

Career workshop: Know your competencies – find your job (February 27-28, 2018)

Careers in German universities and research institutes are difficult. Towards the end of your PhD or at the beginning of your postdoctoral years you need to decide whether you like to continue your career up to the professor or if you leave academia and public funded research institutes. This step is difficult to the biggest part of PhD-students because until then they did not find or try alternative career paths.

Continue reading “Career workshop: Know your competencies – find your job (February 27-28, 2018)”

Good scientific practice seminar (November 14, 2017)

Every scientist doing research at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and Leipzig University has to comply with the rules of good scientific practice.

In this workshop principles of good scientific practice, e.g. professional standards such as honesty and openness, as well as data preparation and documentation were discussed.
Continue reading “Good scientific practice seminar (November 14, 2017)”

Overview of soft skill workshops of InGrA (September and October)

18.-20. September | registration closed
Basics in research valorization through entrepreneurship and intellectual property (details)

4. October | registration closed
Vorstellungsgespräch und Gehaltsverhandlungen (details)

9. October | registration closed
Time- and Selfmanagement for Doctoral Candidates (details)
(in cooperation with PhD Network)

19.-20. October | rregistration closed
Critical Reasoning and Logic (details)

26.-27. October | registration closed
Networkingmethoden für ein professionelles Auftreten (details)

Basics in Research Valorization through Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property (September 18–20, 2017)


Academic and scientific excellence notwithstanding, scientists and academics are challenged with an increasing demand for transfer, exploitation and commercialization of research results. Hence, enabling young researchers to commercialize their ideas either by licensing or selling them for industrial use – or by starting up an own enterprise – becomes more and more important. The challenges comprise legal issues including intellectual property rights, but also aspects of marketing, visualization, communication and the selling of ideas and research findings.

Target Audience

Doctoral students and junior scientists interested in entrepreneurial thinking and acting.

  • Survey of basic approaches to research valorization
  • Development of entrepreneurial skills

Continue reading “Basics in Research Valorization through Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property (September 18–20, 2017)”