Know your competencies – find your job: Job Search for Scientists (November 16 – 17, 2022)

Scientists have a lot of job options — but they are often not aware of them. This workshop helped participants to see more of the many opportunities there are on the German labour market. Participants learnt to take the different steps involved in a successful job search: in particular, to be aware of their competencies, skills and knowledge and to build your career strategies based upon them.


  • My competencies, skills and knowledge: how to know them and how to use them
  • German and international labour markets: how markets influence my job search
  • Job search strategies: Searching with search engines and why this is not enough – different ways and strategies for job search.
  • Job search beside Research and Development departments – what else is there?
  • How to use personal and electronic networks like LinkedIn for job search?
  • Founding your own business: How to create your own job and how to earn money with it?
  • What do I want: Live goals and career planning

Target audience

Doctoral students, PostDocs

Time and Applications

Date: November 16 – 17, 2022
Time: 9:30 am – 16:30 pm


Institut für Japanologie, Dachritzstrasse 12, SR 308
Group size: maximal 15
Workshop language: English


Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf counsels students and scientists in all relevant questions concerning their careers. He has founded together with colleagues out of public administration and private businesses.


Registration is closed. The workshop is fully booked.

The workshop usually is open to all interested PhD students but members of the iRTG of the SFB TRR 102 will be given priority. All applicants will be chosen depending on their registration time in chronological order.