Introduction to Python (October 27-28, 2021)

In recent years Python has become more and more popular. According to the Tiobe Index it is about to overtake Java and to be the number two in the list of the most important programming language in the world. In the fields of numerical programming and Machine Learning, Python is the leader. It is not just easier to learn than other languages but programs in Python can also be faster written and are characterized by their easy readability. One of the reasons for this are the user-friendly data structures and the easy to grasp syntax.

Date: October 27+28, 2021 (9.00-17.00)
Location: Online workhop via zoom
Group size: 12 (joint workshop with Leibniz Institute for Plant Biochemistry)

Continue reading “Introduction to Python (October 27-28, 2021)”

Gain Clarity on your Next Career Steps (September 30, 2021)

Webinar on how to transition successfully after a PhD/Postdoc
Date: September 30, 12.00-13.00
Location: Zoom

Do you ever ask yourself

  • What am I going to do after PhD/ Post-doc/ etc?
  • Should I stay and pursue an academic career?
  • Should I go and pursue one of the 100s of “alternative” careers outside of academia?
  • What would be a good fit for me?
  • Where do I start the process of career transitioning?
  • Where do I find the positions?

Then join us for the webinar!

Continue reading “Gain Clarity on your Next Career Steps (September 30, 2021)”

Workshop on Data Visualization (November 2, 2021)

Scientific figures transport most of the information and arguments in presentations, posters as well as research articles. We will discuss the general requirements on scientific figures, cover the basics on good graphic design and provide practical guidelines for compelling plots.

date: November 2, 2021
time: 15.00-17.30
lecturer: Dr. Kerstin Blank (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces)


The registration for this workshop is closed. Please contact in case you want to join.

Alumni meeting (August 28, 2021)

Our annual alumni meeting will take place on Saturday, August 28, 2021. We will meet in Moritzkunstcafé (Halle) from 6 p.m. The alumni meeting aims at the establishment of links and to foster the exchange between former and current iRTG members. Former members will talk about their career steps in industry or academia.

Continue reading “Alumni meeting (August 28, 2021)”