The iRTG of SFB/TRR 102 will arrange an excursion to LyondellBasell at Industriepark Frankfurt-Höchst on May 8/9, 2023. Members of the iRTG of Martin Luther University and Leipzig University will get an insight into laboratory, processing and production facilities of Basell in Frankfurt on May 9. Accommodation will be provided by the SFB/TRR 102, travel is individually by train.
Continue reading “Excursion to LyondellBasell (May 8-9, 2023)”Category: Allgemein
Writing Day (February 28, 2023)
We meet in a seminar room to work undisturbed on our manuscripts and, if necessary, to discuss writing problems during breaks.
During a normal working day there are always interruptions and distractions and the work on the text is delayed. The goal of this day is to spend a few hours writing in a concentrated manner. There will be coffee and cookies, please bring your notebook and preferably have a clear idea or defined task for your manuscript.
date: February 28, 8.30-14.30
location: VSP1, 5.09
who: everyone working on a text (manuscript/report/thesis/…)
Regular lectures UL – WiSe 2022/23
Bioorganic Chemistry – Beck-Sickinger
[M.Sc. Adv Spec in Chem]
Mon 8.30-10.00 Brüderstraße 34, Beckmann-HS
Massenspektrometrie – Hoffmann
Mon 13.00-15.30 BBZ, SR1.3-1.2
as the “Vorlesungsverzeichnis” for the Physics Master is not yet online, please log into AlmaWeb to look for suitable lectures
Regular lectures MLU – WiSe 2022/2023
Introduction to polymer physics – Thurn-Albrecht/Dolynchuk
[M.Sc. Phy]
Wed 10.15-11.45, VDP3 3.16
Thu 8.15-9.45, VDP3 1.12
Bildgebung und CT – Laufer
[M.Sc. Med. Phy]
Tue 10.15-11.45, VDP3 1.09
Biophysik – Balbach
[M.Sc. Phy]
Wed 12.15-13.45, VDP3 1.04
Mon 13.00-13.45, VDP3 1.12
Statistische Physik – Henk
[M.Ed. Phy]
Tue 10.15-11.45, VSP1 1.02
Introduction to NMR spectroscopy – Saalwächter/Balbach/Krushelnitzky
[M.Sc. Phy]
Tue 14.15-15.45, VSP1 1.23
Physikalische Chemie I – Bacia
[B.Sc. Chem]
Wed 8.15-9.45, HS-Ch TLS9 1.01
Thu 14.15-15.45, HS-Ch TLS9 1.01
Thermodynamik der Mischphasen – Kreßler
Mon 12.15-13.45, VDP4 1.27
Molekülspektroskopie – Hinderberger
[M. Sc.]
Mon 10.15-11.45, VDP4 1.27
Grundlagen der Chemie der Polymere und Makromoleküle – Binder
[B.Sc Chem]
Mon 12.15-13.45, VDP1 2.12
Polymere Materialien – Marinow
[B.Sc. Chem]
Tue 14.15-15.45, VDP1 2.12
Bioorganische Chemie – Csuk
[M.Sc. Chem]
Tue 10.15-13.45, VDP4 1.27
Polymer materials science
Introduction to Materials Physics – Androsch
[M.Sc. PolyMat. Sci]
Wed 12.15-13.45, VSP1 1.26
Mathematical and Theoretical Concepts for Polymer Science – Busse/Saalwächter
[M.Sc. PolyMat. Sci]
Wed 8.15-9.45, VDP4 1.27
Introduction to Macromolecules – Kreßler
[M.Sc. PolyMat. Sci]
Mon 14.15-15.45, VDP4 1.27
Organic Chemistry and Polymer Synthesis – Binder/Marinov
[M.Sc. PolyMat. Sci]
Tue 13.00-14.30, VDP4 1.27
Polymer Processing – Hirsch/Feldmann
[M.Sc. PolyMat. Sci]
Wed 10.15-11.45, VSP1 1.29
Instrumental Analytics of Polymers – Cepus
[M.Sc. PolyMat. Sci]
Fri 08:30-11.30, MER HS7 (15.10.-5.11.2021)
Polymer Reaction – Bartke
[M.Sc. PolyMat. Sci]
Mon 8.15-9.45, VDP1 2.12
Polymer Materials – Androsch
[M.Sc. PolyMat. Sci]
Mon 10.15-11.45, VDP1 2.12
Modern Concepts of Polymer and Biopolymer Synthesis – Binder/Kreßler
[M.Sc. PolyMat. Sci]
Tue 8.15-9.45, VDP3 1.06
Polymer in Industry – Hirsch/Feldmann
[M.Sc. PolyMat. Sci]
Wed 8.15-9.45, VDP3 1.04
Elastomeric Materials – Reincke
[M.Sc. PolyMat. Sci]
Wed 12.15-13.45 und 14.15-15.45 VSP1 0.03 (14 tgl ab 12.10.2022)
Fri 11.00-12.30, Geusaer Str. 81f
Current Topics in Polymer Research (Ringvorlesung) – Kressler (Koordinator)
[M.Sc. PolyMat. Sci]
Tue 16.15-17.45, VSP4 1.27
Introduction to Calorimetry (June 22-23, 2022)
Polymer Physics Summer School SynBioPoly 2022
The SFB is hosting a summer school on Self-organization and structure formation of synthetic and biological macromolecules from August 27 to September 2 in Halle (Saale) and Leipzig. The school addresses students with at least year of undergraduate studies, travel expenses can be covered.
More information and registration:

How to write a convincing job application – how to make it in the job interview (February 15 – 16, 2023)
Scientists make a lot of mistakes as soon as they start to apply outside science. This workshop helped participants to write a convincing application and to be successful in the job interview.
Continue reading “How to write a convincing job application – how to make it in the job interview (February 15 – 16, 2023)”Know your competencies – find your job: Job Search for Scientists (November 16 – 17, 2022)
Scientists have a lot of job options — but they are often not aware of them. This workshop helped participants to see more of the many opportunities there are on the German labour market. Participants learnt to take the different steps involved in a successful job search: in particular, to be aware of their competencies, skills and knowledge and to build your career strategies based upon them.
Continue reading “Know your competencies – find your job: Job Search for Scientists (November 16 – 17, 2022)”Insights behind the CV (January 14, 2022)

You are warmly invited to join the informal career talk by our PI Maria Ott! In this workshop series, successful scientists share their experiences as a woman in natural science and tell the story behind their official CV. After the talk there will be enough time for informal discussion and networking.
Target audience are (female) natural scientists from our university and related institutes.
Date: January 14, 2022
hybrid: VSP 1, room 0.04 and via zoom
3G only: vaccinated, recovered or tested! + FFP2 mask
Regular lectures UL – WiSe 2021/22
Bioorganic Chemistry – Beck-Sickinger
[M.Sc. Adv Spec in Chem]
Mon 8.30-10.00 Brüderstraße 34, Beckmann-HS
Massenspektrometrie – Hoffmann
Mon 12.30-14.00 BBZ, SR1