[BEAM] Academic Writing (March 21-22, 2022)

“Writing is an essential part of the successful researcher’s skillset.  However, writing at the standard necessary to publish in peer-reviewed journals can be challenging. This two-day writing workshop is for researchers who wish to improve their academic writing skills in English.
This practical workshop will focus on the structure of an English paper and abstract and how to improve the style and readability of an academic text. Participants are encouraged to bring along a sample of their current writing that will be the basis for peer review on the second day of the course.  In addition, participants should bring at least two examples of research articles from their field (written by native English speakers if possible).”

Trainer: Anne-Lesley Weiling

Please contact Imme Sakwa-Waltz in case you plan to join this workshop!

Get-together of Research School Network Halle (June 23, 2022)

The Research School Network Halle invites all participating doctoral researchers to the second summer meeting on June 23. Doctoral researchers from research schools in natural sciences have the opportunity to get into contact in a stimulating atmosphere, which fosters exchange and creates opportunities for collaborations. The meeting starts with a talk on how to build your career strategy as a researcher, followed by a networking slot and ends with a get-together (food & drinks will be provided).

Continue reading “Get-together of Research School Network Halle (June 23, 2022)”

iRTG Program SoSe 2022

Doctoral students seminar

April 26, 2022: Malte Neudorf and Yu Qiang (Halle)
May 24, 2022: Alexander Korn (Leipzig)
June 21, 2022: Anika Wurl and Christian Lauer (Halle)
July 11, 2022: Torsten John (Halle) – postponed to October!
August 16, 2022: Wing-Kit Or and Yue Cai (Leipzig)
September 20, 2022: Robert Kahl and Alaa Hasan (Halle)

Workshops by partners
Advanced Training Modules

iRTG Program WiSe 2021/22

Doctoral students seminar

October 19, 2021: Stephan Sydow and Sebastian Kawa
November 16, 2021: Anna-Maria Tsirigoni and Tonghua Liu
December 9, 2021: Good scientitic practice
January 25, 2022: Thomas Kunze and Matthias Rohmer
February 22, 2022: André Paschold and Mohd Afiq Bin Anuar

Workshops by partner graduate schools
Advanced Training Modules
Advanced Training Modules by BEAM (RTG 2670)

Concerning the ATM by RTG 2670: There are a few vacancies! In case you are interested, please send an e-mail to Imme Sakwa-Waltz.


Insights behind the CV (January 14, 2022)

You are warmly invited to join the informal career talk by our PI Maria Ott! In this workshop series, successful scientists share their experiences as a woman in natural science and tell the story behind their official CV. After the talk there will be enough time for informal discussion and networking.

Target audience are (female) natural scientists from our university and related institutes.

Date: January 14, 2022
hybrid: VSP 1, room 0.04 and via zoom

3G only: vaccinated, recovered or tested! + FFP2 mask