NMR spectroscopy for biomolecular and materials characterization (September 6/7, 2017)


This module addressed doctoral students in chemistry, physics, biophysics, and related fields without much prior knowledge in NMR spectroscopy. It introduced the basic theoretical and technical concepts necessary for an understanding of data/spectrum acquisition in pulsed NMR and the information content, and focused on a few specific experimental techniques to study dynamics in polymer and biopolymer systems.


Each day of the two-day program started with a series of lectures in the morning, followed by hands-on experiments on low-field NMR spectrometers, and demonstrations on high-field spectrometers, during the afternoon. Continue reading “NMR spectroscopy for biomolecular and materials characterization (September 6/7, 2017)”

Talk by P. Enke at MLU (March 14, 2017)

Effect of Different Crowding Agents on Structure and Dynamics of Unfolded Proteins

The interior of a cell is completely filled with molecules like proteins, lipids, RNA, and more which can act as crowders. The so-called macromolecular crowding plays an important role in the dynamics and the structure of proteins, especially unfolded proteins and polypeptide chains.

To investigate the influence of crowder agents on the dynamics and structure of unfolded polypeptide chains we performed time-resolved ensemble FRET experiments with different sizes of crowders and different unfolded polypeptide chains. Continue reading “Talk by P. Enke at MLU (March 14, 2017)”

Regular lectures MLU – SoSe 2017


Theoretical polymer physics – Paul
[MA Phy]
Mon 11.15-12.45, VDP3 1.04

Spektroskopische Methoden Balbach/Hempel/Miclea/Saalwächter
[BA Phy]
Thu 15.15-16.45, VDP3 1.04

Biochemie – Heilmann/Baginsky
[BA MedPhy]
Mon 16.15-17.45, HW4 HS I (ehem. Phy-HS)

Experimentelle Methoden der Polymerphysik – Beiner
[MA Phy]
Tue 11.15-12.45, VDP1 2.12

Biophysik – Reichert
[MA Phy]
Mon 8.15-11.45, BHS7 214


Physikalische Chemie II – Kreßler
[BA Chem]
Mon 11.15-12.00, Fri 10.15-11.45, HS-Ch TLS 1.01

Physikalische Chemie III – Hinderberger
Mon 13.15-14.45, VDP1 2.12
Wed 16.15-17.45 (fortnightly) VDP1 1.27

Theoretische Chemie – Sebastiani
[BA Chem]
Mon 11.00-12.15, 13.00-14.00, VDP3 1.12


Polymer materials science

Soft Condensed Matter Physics – Saalwächter
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Wed 8.15-9.45, VDP3 1.06
Thu 8.15-9.45, VDP3 1.12/VDP4 1.27

Polymer Testing – Langer
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Fri 9.15-10.45, MER FO 131/3/305

Polymer Characterization – Kreßler/Binder
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 8.15-9.45 VDP1 2.12

Polymer Chemistry – Hinderberger/Haeri
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Mon 8.15-9.45, VSP1 1.26

Introduction to Polymer Physics – Saalwächter/Ott
(basic math. tools needed for polymer physics)
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 10.15-11.00, VDP3 1.04
Wed 10.15-11.45, VSP1 1.26

Polymer Structure and Morphology – Beiner
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 11.15-12.45, VDP1 2.12

Advanced Polymer Synthesis – Binder
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 14.15-15.45, VDP3 1.04

Processing of Polymer Blends and Composits – Michel
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Thu 8.15-9.45, VSP1 1.04

Polymer Analytics – Binder
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 13.15-14.00, VDP4 1.27

Regular lectures UL – SoSe 2017


Receptor Biochemistry – Beck-Sickinger/Mörl
[MA Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
first lecture 03.04. 10.15-11.45 Kl. Hörsaal – Brüderstr. 34

Spectroscopy – Bertmer
[MA Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
Wed 10.15-11.45, R101
Thu 13.15-14.45, R102

Selected Topics of NMR Spectroscopy – Matysik
[MA Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
Fri, 8.15 – 9.45 Uhr, R 101

Supramolekulare Chemie – Kersting
[MA Chem.]
Wed 8.15-9.45, kl. HS

Strukturelle Biochemie – Sträter
[MA Chem.]
Thu 13.30-15.00, HS 1.3 BBZ


Experimental Methods in Biophysics – Mierke
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Thu 13.30-15.00, Linnestr. 5 SR 224

Biological Physics – Mierke
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Wed 13.30-15.00, Linnestr. 5 SR 224

Successful defence of Christian Fuchs (group of J. Kreßler)

Congratulations to Christian Fuchs. He defended his thesis (Selbstorganisation von Homopolymeren und amphiphilen Triblockcopolymeren auf wässrigen Subphasen) successfully on February 27, 2017. As he has completed the additional training program Christian has been awarded the certificate of our integrated research training group “Polymers: random coils and beyond”.


Dr. Fuchs, Christian – Phys. chemistry (Kreßler, MLU)

Title of thesis: “Selbstorganisation von Homopolymeren und amphiphilen Triblockcopolymeren auf wässrigen Subphasen”

Date of defence: February 27. 2017

Research topic: 
Polymer chains at the air-water interface


  • Monolayer microscopy
  • Langmuir measurements
  • Brewster angle microscopy
  • Langmuir-Blodgett

Career workshop: Know your competencies – find your job (March 6-7, 2017)


Careers in German universities and research institutes are difficult. Towards the end of your PhD or at the beginning of your postdoctoral years you need to decide whether you like to continue your career up to the professor or if you leave academia and public funded research institutes. This step is difficult to the biggest part of PhD-students because until then they did not find or try alternative career paths.

Continue reading “Career workshop: Know your competencies – find your job (March 6-7, 2017)”

Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy – March 16/17 2017


This module for physicists and chemists introduced the basic concepts in molecular spectroscopy, i.e. Infrared (IR), (surface enhanced) Raman- with imaging options and Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Optical Microscopy, Superresolution Microscopy and Single Molecule Fluorescence Detection. Continue reading “Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy – March 16/17 2017”