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All posts tagged ‘DFG‘

6. May 2021

[DFG] Principles of Effective Career Support in Academia published

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(from “Principles of Effective Career Support in Academia” by DFG) “[…] the DFG has developed the following principles which it offers as recommendations, both to its member institutions and to all other institutions and individuals that receive funding from the DFG to finance early-career researchers. These principles are to be understood as a supplement to […]

6. May 2021

[DFG] Doctoral programme lengths and doctoral degrees in DFG-funded consortia

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“Doctoral programme lengths and doctoral degrees are highly relevant to research policy, but information on them is scarce. In two statistical reports, the DFG analyses data on doctorates completed in the context of Collaborative Research Centres, Research Training Groups, Clusters of Excellence and Graduate Schools.” (from DFG) For further information please check the DFG website […]

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