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1. Jul 2024

[GSO] The Importance of Support Systems and Funding on Research Success

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Please check this GSO peer story of Jingyuan Xu. She shares her journey from aspiring scientist to group leader and provides inspiring insights into navigating academia and personal life.

German Scholars Organization e.V. (GSO) supports and mentors researchers on their career path – irrespective of whether this path leads to a university or other research institution, to an enterprise or nonprofit organization. 

1. Jul 2024

[Global Young Academy] Challenges Faced by Women Researchers: Stories from all around the Globe

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The Women in Science working group of the Global Young Academy (GYA) released a booklet on “Challenges faced by Women Researchers: Stories from all around the Globe“ (link) in May 2024.

” The personal stories illustrate means and ways in which women researchers overcome a range of challenges […] while achieving the equilibrium between professional and personal life.” (from the Foreword)

Did you know?
The GYA Office is located in Halle (Saale).

13. Jun 2024

AI search tools during the doctorate

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  • Perplexity AI:  “is an AI chatbot-powered research and conversational search engine that answers queries using natural language predictive text. Launched in 2022, Perplexity generates answers using sources from the web and cites links within the text response” (from wikipedia)
  • ResearchRabbit “is a scholarly publication discovery tool supported by artificial intelligence (AI). It was developed in 2021 by a team of three in Seattle. This tool lets users discover publications related to one or more seed publications with the help of visualization maps and lists of earlier, later, and similar publications. ResearchRabbit is designed to support the workflow of unstructured searching while providing a left-to-right trail from the original publication(s) through any selected authors or publications. These trails, which can run as deep as rabbit holes, suggest the origin of the tool’s name.” (from Cole, V., & Boutet, M. (2023). ResearchRabbit (product review). Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association Journal De l’Association Des bibliothèques De La Santé Du Canada44(2), 43–47. doi: 10.29173/jchla29699)
  • Scispace: “a sophisticated, multi-faceted tool that serves as a comprehensive solution to streamline the literature review process. By leveraging the state-of-the-art methods in vector-based search, reranking, and large language models, the tool delivers features like customizable search results, data exintegration with an AI assistant, multi-language support, top papers insights, and customizable results columns to cater a researcher’s requirements, and accelerate literature exploration.” (from Jain, S., et. al. (2024). SciSpace Literature Review: Harnessing AI for Effortless Scientific Discovery. In: Goharian, N., et al.Advances in Information Retrieval. ECIR 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14612. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-56069-9_28

Critical thinking and reflection on the search results is still a crucial key element.

10. Jun 2024

[BEAM] Scientific mini stories

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Please check the latest videos on scientific stories by doctoral students in the natural sciences. They give a brief insight into the everyday life of doctoral students.

The videos have been published by the research training group “BEAM (RTG 2670): Self-Organization of Soft Matter via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions”.

4. Jun 2024

[Uni Hannover] NachwuchsFragen. Der Podcast zu dem, was nach der Promotion wichtig ist

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Hier werden Fragen vom “wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs” und auch an den “wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs” gestellt. Mit wechselnden Gästen wird über Anstellungsarten, Qualifizierungswege und alles, was wichtig ist in der Zeit nach der Promotion und vielleicht vor der Professur – oder einer anderen längerfristigen Perspektive in der Wissenschaft gesprochen. Die „NachwuchsFragen“ sind also eine Art Handbuch, nur kürzer und für die Ohren.

Link zu NachwuchsFragen. Der Podcast zu dem, was nach der Promotion wichtig ist der Graduiertenakademie der Leibniz Universität Hannover.

10. Apr 2024

Services and contact persons at the family-friendly university

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As a central contact and advice point, the Family Office provides information and support on the topics of working, qualifying and studying with child(ren) and/or relatives in need of care, as well as on family-friendly working, qualification and study conditions. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to arrange a consultation. The Family Office homepage already provides you with a wealth of information, such as on:

5. Apr 2024

Interviews mit drei Doktorandinnen der MLU

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Wie sieht also eine Karriere in der Wissenschaft an der MLU aus? Die Promotion ist oft der Anfang einer Wissenschaftskarriere hin zu einer Professur. Und dennoch, die Promotion eröffnet viele weitere berufliche Möglichkeiten, sowohl an der MLU als auch in vielen anderen Institutionen.

Die Interviews sind Teil der Erfahrungsberichte auf der Webseite zur Karriereberatung der MLU

13. Mar 2024

Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz in a nutshell

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Want to learn more about contract law in academia in Germany?

Please check the article “The German ‘Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz’ in a nutshell” of German Scholars Organization e. V..

12. Feb 2024

Writing an exposé

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Do you have a research question that you would like to investigate? Would you like to do that in the context of a doctorate? Are you planning to present your idea to your preferred professor to apply as a candidate for supervision? It’s time to write your exposé!

The exposé provides an overview of your planned research work. It links your research question with a plan for its investigation. You provide a clearly understandable, coherently reasoned explanation of

  • what you want to investigate,
  • why you’re investigating it and
  • how you want to investigate it.
Figure: A convincing exposé makes the components Why?, What?, and How? interlock like gears and form a comprehensive result.

A well-written synopsis not only convinces scholarship providers or potential supervisors of your research idea. It also helps you as the author to structure your own project, to critically question it and to recognize potential challenges early on. Think of the exposé as a very first draft of your dissertation. This type of preparation can save valuable time, energy and resources later on.

Form and structure of an exposé

A clear structure is the necessary framework for convincingly communicating the core of your idea – the research question. You explain how you derived it and how you want to investigate it. There is not one strict form that an exposé must follow. However, certain key elements should be present in a logical order to achieve a comprehensible result.

[ Read On … ]

8. Dec 2023

What supervisors want / Was Betreuende erwarten

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The relationship between doctoral researchers and their supervisors influences the pathway and success of a doctoral project and is a crucial factor for the start of an academic career (Ives & Rowley 2007). It is thus all the more important that both parties deal with the perspective, expectations and needs of the other side.

With the project “What supervisors want” InGrA sheds some light on the relationship between supervisors and their doctoral students. The project was carried out in 2023.

The project consists of the following parts:

  • Introduction to the project
  • Results of the online survey of doctoral students on supervision
  • Portraits of interview participants
  • Interviews with supervisors (in German)
    • Prof. Dr. Daniel Wefers (Food Chemistry)
    • Prof. Dr. Jenny Haase (Spanish and American Literature and Culture), 
    • Prof. Dr. Ingo Heilmann (Plant Biochemistry) 
    • Prof. Dr. Konstanze Senge (Economic and Organisational Sociology).
  • Interview: main take-aways (in English)

To provide information and guidance for doctoral students we have approached supervisors in four departments at MLU. In semi-structured interviews we asked them about their perspective and experiences in the supervision of doctoral students. This was preceded by an online survey in which doctoral researchers had the opportunity to ask their questions and thus helped to shape the interview guidelines. Enjoy the reading. Hopefully, we can broaden your perspective on doctoral supervision and What supervisors want.

More at the website What supervisors want

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