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Doctorate at MLU

5. Jul 2024

Doctoral student wins Transferpreis 2024

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Constanze Zwies from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has won the Transferpreis 2024 of our university with her doctoral thesis on

“Design, rekombinante Produktion und Anwendung von Muschelfußprotein und Elastin-ähnlichen Fusionsproteinen”.

(see press release 087/2024 from July 2, 2024)

Dr. Constanze Zwies did her doctorate at the Chair of Downstream Processing (Prof. Dr. M. Pietzsch) (link).

Want to learn more about the research of doctoral students? Please check the doctoral student’s profiles.

28. Jun 2024

Doctoral student wins Giuseppe Alberigo Award 2024

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Giovanni Tortoriello from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has won the Giuseppe Alberigo Junior Award 2024 with his doctoral thesis on

“Scala Christus est. Reassessing the Historical Context of Martin Luther’s Theology of the Cross, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2023 (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation, Band 135)”.

(see European Academy of Religon)

Dr. Giovanni Tortoriello did his doctorate under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Friedemann Stengel (Chair of Modern Church History) (link).

Want to learn more about the research of doctoral students? Please check the doctoral student’s profiles.

26. Jun 2024

Doctoral student wins Kantorowitsch dissertation award

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Michael Seifert from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has won the Kantorowitsch PhD Award with his doctoral thesis on “HYBRID CLOUD SHARE of Risk (HySOR). Eine risikosensitive Entscheidungsunterstützung für Service Level Agreement-basierte, hybride Cloud-Architektur”. (see Campus Halensis)

The award is conferred by des Instituts für Unternehmensforschung und Unternehmensführung (ifu) at MLU annually since 2000.

Dr. Michael Seifert did his doctorate in the group Information Systems, esp. Business Information Management of Prof. Dr. Stefan Sackmann (link).

Want to learn more about the research of doctoral students? Please check the doctoral student’s profiles.

14. Jun 2024

Doctoral student from MLU wins VAAM dissertation award

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Michelle Kammel from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has won the VAAM PhD Award with her doctoral thesis on “Klassischer Ionen-Kanal oder Transporter? – Mechanistische Studien zeigen das Hybrid-Verhalten des Formiat-Kanals FocA”.

The award is conferred by the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM). Outstanding microbiological doctoral theses are awarded with the VAAM PhD Awards each year at the VAAM Annual Conference.

Want to learn more about the research of doctoral students? Please check the doctoral student’s profiles.

14. Jun 2024

[IO] Scholarship for particularly committed international doctoral candidates (2024/25)

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The International Office of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg is awarding scholarships in the winter semester 2024 (funding period September 2024 to January 2025), financed by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA).

The scholarships are aimed at international doctoral candidates at MLU Halle-Wittenberg who distinguish themselves through their special commitment in an international context in connection with MLU.

The scholarships are intended to honour outstanding commitment, contribute to its preservation and motivate further commitment.

The scholarship of 300 € is awarded for a period of up to 5 months.

Application deadline: 8th July 2024 | 4 p.m.

Further information

10. Jun 2024

[BEAM] Scientific mini stories

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Please check the latest videos on scientific stories by doctoral students in the natural sciences. They give a brief insight into the everyday life of doctoral students.

The videos have been published by the research training group “BEAM (RTG 2670): Self-Organization of Soft Matter via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions”.

5. Jun 2024

Doctoral students representation elected at MLU

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Congratulations! The doctoral students representatives of the faculties have been elected. The election period is 01.09.24-31.08.26. Please find below an overview of all representatives and check the website of the doctoral representation council at MLU too.

Faculty of Theology

  • Stütz, Felix
  • Blume, Nora (deputy)

Faculty of Law and Economics

  • Boge, Kevin Patrick

Faculty of Philosophy II

  • Russell, Janet Marion Friederike
  • Alan van Keeken (deputy)

Faculty of Philosophy III

  • Sarah Mämecke
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3. Jun 2024

PhD student positions available at SNP2Prot (life sciences)

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SNP2Prot is currently recruiting postdoctoral and doctoral researchers for the first 45-months funding period starting in October 2024.

SNP2Prot offers an excellent scientific environment for interested scientists of different research fields: Plant Science, Protein Science and Computer Science at contributing institutions in Germany:

  • Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale) 
  • Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB), Halle (Saale) 
  • Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben 
  • Leipzig University, Leipzig 

Each of the 17 projects of SNP2Prot is designed to combine expertise of two principal investigators (PIs) of complementary disciplines. This promising concept ensures that all candidates (PhD students and postdocs) benefit significantly from the interdisciplinary environment including scientific training in structural protein biochemistry, plant biology as well as computational science and bioinformatics and training of transferable skills. Furthermore, the unique and comprehensive mentoring is ideal to develop and actively realize individual career planning.

Take the opportunity and become part of the SNP2Prot team.

Link to the job announcements

31. May 2024

DFG approves first funding period of Integrated Research Training Group PROTEOFORuM (SFB 1664)

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The Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved the first funding period of the integrated Research Training Group (iRTG) PROTEOFORuM, which is part of the collaborative research center SFB 1664 “Plant Proteoform Diversity”.

The major objective of SNP2Prot is to understand the translation of genome-encoded sequence variation to structural, mechanistic and functional proteoform diversity.

The SFB 1664 is an interdisciplinary collaborative research centre at
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Partner institutions are the Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IBP),  Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) and Leipzig University.

Read more at press release 072/2024 of May 31, 2024 (in German) of MLU.

About iRTG PROTEOFORuM of SFB 1664

Integrated Research Training Group  “Plant Proteoform Diversity (SFB 1664)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Marcel Quint, coordinator: N.N. (funding 2024-2028) (link)

2. May 2024

Stipends for doctoral students from the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt 2024

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Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) biannually provides funding for scholarships. The funding comes from the Ministry of Science, Energy, Climate Protection and Environment of the State of Saxony-Anhalt. Start of the funding for this call is in the winter semester in October 2024.

  • Announcement of graduate scholarships for doctoral candidates according to the Graduate Promotion Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (in German):

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants are those who

  • have demonstrated a special aptitude for academic work through well above-average study and examination results,
  • have completed a university degree,
  • is preparing for a doctorate at MLU,
  • presents a scientific project that is expected to make an important contribution to research, and
  • is supervised by a (non-retired) university lecturer at MLU.

The scholarship can be applied for every semester. As a rule, it is granted for a period of three years.

Application via faculties

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