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Complementary Skills Workshop 2020

1. Dec 2020

VG Wort – aus Text wird Geld (09. Dezember 2020| online)

Das Internet bildet für wissenschaftliche Texte eine große Reichweite. Wie verhält es sich mit dem Urheberrecht im Internet? Gibt es eine Vergütung für urheberrechtlich geschützte Texte im Internet?
Das Webinar bietet eine kurze Einführung in die Thematik an. Die Dozentin, Frau Wagner, stellt den zugehörigen Aufgabenbereich METIS (Meldesystem für Texte auf Internetseiten) der VG Wort vor. Weiterführend werden die Schritte, um an den Ausschüttungen der Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort (VG Wort) zu partizipieren, erläutert.

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23. Nov 2020

Theory and Design of Scientific Posters (December 08, 2020| online)


The workshop covers different aspects of scientific posters as increasingly popular form of presentation in various scientific disciplines. As an introduction, the poster as communication medium is described, with special attention to the differences among the disciplines. Several case studies and settings will be presented and discussed. The participants of the workshop are therefore explicitly invited to contribute their own work and material to this discussion. The second part focuses on how to create effective and attractive posters. Starting from the essential technical knowledge of poster ingredients such as pixel vs. vector graphics, typography, colours, etc., different software applications for creating posters are presented and optionally used for initial designs. In addition to basics in design and layout principles for text and image content, several approaches for reducing bulky content and visual complexity will be presented. Finally, the production step as well as the oral presentation itself will be addressed.

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9. Nov 2020

Open Educational Resources (November 11, 2020)

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During this final webinar, the Open Educational Resources (OERs) of the MLU will be presented. What are these materials, how can these be used properly, where can you find these, and what legal matters do you need to bear in mind if you create OERs are some of the topics that will be discussed. Get to ask all your OER questions to our expert!

Date, time and format

  • Date and time: November 11, 2020 at 1 pm
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2. Nov 2020

Open Science Services and support at the MLU (November 4, 2020)

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Join this webinar to learn what the ULB and the MLU are doing to support the Open Access and Open Science initiatives. Find out more about the publications fund of the MLU which can cover the costs of your open access publications. Take home valuable tips about how to make your research findings visible and where to publish your data sets, reports, secondary publications, scripts, etc. Come and ask your questions, learn more about our services and let us know how we can improve these.

Date, time and format

  • Date and time: November 4, 2020 at 1 pm
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22. Oct 2020

Publishers, legal aspects, and internet publishing (October 28, 2020)

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Legal aspects such as data ownership, rights management and licensing attribution of your research outputs must be considered when publishing your scientific results. Join this webinar and learn more about these important issues. We’ll be reporting on the state of the DEAL negotiations, the different publication modalities offered by publishing companies, what is predatory publishing, and about things you need to know when publishing in internet and via social media. Don’t miss this chance to ask all your questions to our experts!

Date, time and format

  • Date and time: October 28, 2020 at 1 pm
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14. Oct 2020

Let’s Go! (October 28, 2020 | online)

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This seminar will help you start with your PhD and deal with some typical difficulties that you might be confronted with in the coming years:


  • How to deal with procrastination?
  • How to deal with workload and stress?
  • Getting things done: best-practice techniques 
  • Ways to improve your working and research skills
  • How to maintain a positive and sustainable relationship with your supervisor?
  • How to prepare for meetings with your supervisor?
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14. Oct 2020

[PhD network] Team Communication (October 28, 2020 | online)

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Teamwork can be a lot of fun and increase the productivity and creativity of the whole team. However, open and honest communication within the team is essential for this. Therefore, this workshop will introduce you to the soft skills required for successful communication and collaboration in a team. You will learn to be sensitive to team processes and team dynamics in order to become a strong part of the team. 

Your benefit

This workshop introduces you to the soft skills needed for successful team communication and collaboration. You will learn to

  • be sensitive for team processes and team dynamics
  • become a strong part of the team
  • reflect on your team positions in the past and where you want to be in futureteams
  • avoid and manage conflicts in teams
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14. Oct 2020

Theory and Design of Scientific Posters (November 17, 2020| online)


The workshop covers different aspects of scientific posters as increasingly popular form of presentation in various scientific disciplines. As an introduction, the poster as communication medium is described, with special attention to the differences among the disciplines. Several case studies and settings will be presented and discussed. The participants of the workshop are therefore explicitly invited to contribute their own work and material to this discussion. The second part focuses on how to create effective and attractive posters. Starting from the essential technical knowledge of poster ingredients such as pixel vs. vector graphics, typography, colours, etc., different software applications for creating posters are presented and optionally used for initial designs. In addition to basics in design and layout principles for text and image content, several approaches for reducing bulky content and visual complexity will be presented. Finally, the production step as well as the oral presentation itself will be addressed.

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12. Oct 2020

International PhD Days 2020 (October 27/28, 2020) – online

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Welcome to the International PhD Days 2020 for doctoral candidates and postdocs. In a variety of online events – including workshops, short lectures and Q&As – you will have the opportunity to get to know different departments of the university which offer useful services for you and to learn more about other topics relevant for your doctoral studies. 
A city rally, conducted in small groups, will give you the opportunity to discover the most famous sights in Halle.

Please register at the website of the International Office here.

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12. Oct 2020

Publish or perish? – An overview of controversies associated with current scientific publishing practices (October 14, 2020)

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In this webinar a critical overview of the current scientific publication system will be offered by a practicing scientist. Questionable research practices and other controversies will be discussed as factors which might have led to the so-called reproducibility crisis affecting the current system of scientific publication. Data sharing, the promotion of pre-registration studies and the support of emerging publication formats such as data papers and data descriptors will be discussed as possible approaches to rectify this trend. Join our discussion and let us know your thoughts on this!

Date, time and format

  • Date and time: October 14, 2020 at 2 pm
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