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Complementary Skills Workshop 2023

14. Nov 2023

[A6] DFG Individual funding programmes for Postdocs (November 15, 2023)

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Department 6 – Research, Transfer and Third Party Funding Service offers the following information event on funding opportunities.


The information event provides a short overview of the DFG individual funding programmes for the postdoc-phase. The funding requirements and conditions of the Walter Benjamin Programme, the Emmy Noether Programme and the Research Grant with Module Temporary Position for PI will be presented. The participants will have the opportunity to ask their questions.

  • Date and time: Wednesday, 15. November 2023, 10.00 – 12.00 Uhr
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12. Oct 2023

[RTG 2498] Next Level Science Communication (November 8-10 | online)

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There are free slots at one of the workshops of MLU’s research training groups RTG 2498 “Communication and Dynamics of Plant Cell Compartments”.

  • Title: “Next Level Science Communication”
  • Date: November 8 – 10, 2023
  • Time: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (8 & 9 Nov); 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (10 Nov)
  • Location: online
  • Trainer:  PD Dr. Daniel Mertens

In science, information is key. For a scientist it is therefore vital to get information across. Key elements of successful transmission of information are structure, focusing on important detail only, developing a storyline and a central message. The workshop “Next Level Science Communication” covers some of what we think are essential elements to successfully communicate scientific information through presentations, posters and text in the form of theses, manuscripts, reports and grant and fellowship applications. 

The workshop designed to raise awareness and reveal the challenges and opportunities of improving the transmission of ideas and information in a clear, concise and engaging manner. Further, we believe that the same fundamental rules need to be applied to verbal, visual and written communication. We therefore cover in this workshop the skillful verbal and nonverbal communication.

Please find further details and registration at the RTG website.

11. Oct 2023

Mental Health Awareness Days 2023 – Improving your resilience during the early career phases (November 1-3, 2023)

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Mental Health Awareness Days 2023 for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers – Improving your resilience during the early career phases

are a joint initiative of Leipzig University, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, yDiv/iDiv and HIGRADE/UFZ. Organized by its graduate academies and occupational health management units, we want to support you as researchers at our universities and research institutions.


Our main aim is to inform and sensibilize you on how to cope with demanding or stressful situations during your research. Ideally, the presented topics will help you to smoothen stressful situations and even prevent too heavy mental load. During these three days, you will find various online offers (most of them in English), e.g. relaxation exercises in the mornings as well as, a number of short workshops on topics such as resilience, concentration, positive psychology, the risk of addictive behavior and mindfulness. In addition, there will be information on how to become a mental health first aider and you will be introduced to the method of peer coaching.

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5. Oct 2023

Collegial Counselling – Kollegiale Beratung (November 2, 2023)

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This workshop is part of the Mental Health Awareness Days 2023 a joint initiative of Leipzig University, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, yDiv/iDiv and HIGRADE/UFZ. Organized by its graduate academies and occupational health management units, we want to support you as researchers at our universities and research institutions.

Experience the effective power of collegial counselling: Develop solution strategies together for your challenges. Practical, interactive and supported by moderators.

Erleben Sie die effektive Kraft der Kollegialen Beratung: Gemeinsam Lösungsstrategien entwickeln für Ihre Herausforderungen. Praktisch, interaktiv und unterstützt von Moderatorinnen. 

Content / Inhalt

We give a short introduction to the method of collegial counselling, a structured form of counselling for result-oriented, practical and self-regulated handling of problems in a group.  During the course, you will have the opportunity to work out solutions to your individual concerns with the help of this method and the other course participants.

Wir geben eine kurze Einführung zur Methode der Kollegialen Beratung, eine strukturierte Beratungsform zur ergebnisorientierten, praxisnahen und selbstgesteuerten Bearbeitung von Fragestellungen in einer Gruppe. Sie haben im Kurs die Möglichkeit, zu Ihrem individuellen Anliegen Lösungen mithilfe dieser Methode und den anderen Kursteilnehmenden gemeinsam zu erarbeiten.

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6. Sep 2023

[Ref 6.1] Individualfördermöglichkeiten der DFG für die Postdoc-Phase (12. September 2023)

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Referat 6.1 – Forschungsförderung und -kooperation bietet die folgende Informationsveranstaltung zu Fördermöglichkeiten an.


Die 2-stündige Informationsveranstaltung gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die Individualfördermöglichkeiten der DFG speziell für die Postdoc-Phase. Die Förderbedingungen des Walter-Benjamin-Programms, des Emmy-Noether-Programms sowie der Sachbeihilfe mit dem Modul Eigene Stelle werden kurz vorgestellt. Die Teilnehmenden haben die Möglichkeit, Fragen zu stellen.

  • Termin: Dienstag, 12. September 2023, 10.00 – 12.00 Uhr
  • Teilnahmelink:
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22. Aug 2023

Mastering the Art of Engaging and Convincing Chalk Talk (November 27, 2023)

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Graphic representations are a great way to communicate complex research topics in an understandable and lively way. They convey clarity and provide a quick overview and are therefore extremely helpful both for the elaboration and the presentation of complex content and ideas. In this seminar you will learn best-practice techniques that you can use on various media such as paper, whiteboards or flipcharts. You will learn how to present complex issues in a structured way while reducing the amount of information to the essentials. 

After several short input sessions, you will have enough time to try out the techniques you have learned in individual and group exercises and to develop your own style. We will compare and analyze all graphics together so that you end up with an extensive knowledge about best-practice techniques and examples. The praxis-oriented workshop aims to develop your own creativity while having fun, so active participation is a prerequisite.

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22. Aug 2023

What the heck is tenure track? (November 23, 2023| online)

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In the German academic system, Tenure Track is a relatively new concept. With a tenure track position, one gets the opportunity to immediately transition to a permanent position when successfully completing the probationary period (known as the tenure track phase). The majority of tenure track positions comes along with a professorship; less common and known are lecturer or researcher positions with tenure track.

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22. Aug 2023

Academic Writing: Producing an Academic Paper in the Social Sciences and Humanities (November 16-17, 2023)

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This workshop addresses junior scholars from the social sciences and the humanities who are currently working on an English-language article for publication or are planning to publish an article in an English-language journal in the future. The goal is to provide an understanding of the general structure and “choreography” of academic publications and hands-on assistance to participants who are writing their own papers.

The workshop will begin by discussing typical problems encountered when writing an academic publication and ways to facilitate the writing process. We will then address the typical organization of academic publications. This will involve having a detailed look at the basic components of an academic paper, what we need to pay attention to in each part, where to place which elements, and what tenses are typically used. Particular attention will be paid to the essential benefits of, and how to think about, developing a clear “storyline” and being clear on your “take-home message.”

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22. Aug 2023

Good Scientific Practice and Negotiation

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The workshop combines Good Scientific Practice (Part 1) with Negotiation (Part 2). During your doctoral studies you will come into contact with other scientists and collaborate with them. Here negotiation skills can be helpful. This may even prevent potential conflicts with your supervisor.

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22. Aug 2023

My Personal Impact and Presence (October 24, 2023)

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How do I impact others? How do I want to impact others? What is expected of me during presentations?  With practical exercises on presence and impact in various presentation situations, you ensure that your presence is authentic and convincing. By doing so, you convey confidence, trust, and agreement to your conversation partners.

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