10. Jan 2020
Research training group “Intermediation and Translation in Transition”
spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Jörg Dinkelaker, coordinator: Dr. Klara-Aylin Wenten (funded by Hans Böckler Foundation (HBS) 2019-2023)
The Research Training Group “Vermittlung und Übersetzung im Wandel – Relationale Praktiken der Differenzbearbeitung angesichts neuer Grenzen der Teilhabe an Wissen und Arbeit” explores changes in practices and settings of intermediation and translation unfolding in the context of advancing digitalisation, automation and globalisation in the world of work. We aim for a better understanding of intermediation and translation as two modes of dealing with the boundaries of access to knowledge and societal participation.
The studies conducted within the group proceed on a transdisciplinary (educational science, business studies, linguistics, sociology) and empirical basis, continuously conscious of the broader context of societal transformation. Our objective is to cast light, from a relational perspective, on the challenges and limitations of facilitating people’s access to societal participation via intermediation and translation. [read more]