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22. Jan 2020

Vladimir-Admoni-Programm “Sprach- und Sprechwissenschaft”

Written by

spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ines Bose
(funding 2017-2019, 2020-2022)

The Vladimir Admoni Program supports a new generation of young researchers in the field of German studies in the countries of Central Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and in the Middle East/North Africa region in the form of a “Small Doctoral School”. The target group is graduate students (Masters) who are aiming for a doctorate and who, according to their own wishes, on the basis of their personal and professional aptitude and in accordance with the university’s intentions, are to represent the future generation of young academics. [read more]

Current research topics are:

  • Updates of the frame tolerance in the discourse of migration in Russian, German and American print media
  • Interferences at the phono-stylistic level in the learning of German as a foreign language with special consideration of technical language aspects
  • Prosodic and paralingual characteristics of speech situations greetings / congratulations in Russian, German, Italian and Spanish
  • Phono-stylistic characteristics of business news in consideration of the auditory perception


  • Universität Hamburg
  • WGU Woronesh
  • FEFU Wladiwostok

Über Thomas Michael

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