26. Aug 2021
Tips for publishing your research results online (October 20, 2021)
Webinar description
In the first part of the webinar the Open Science Team – ULB will present the publications services at the ULB. In the second part, other important issues to consider when publishing your results such as legal aspects, data ownership, rights management and licensing attribution of your research outputs will also be discussed. Attend this seminar if you want to inform yourself about these important issues but also if you wish to learn more about current affairs. We’ll be reporting on: the state of the DEAL negotiations, the different publication modalities offered by publishing companies, what is predatory publishing, and what you need to know when publishing in Internet and via social media. Don’t miss this chance to ask all your questions to our experts!
Please ask specific questions via Etherpad form before the webinar. These will be answered during the webinar.
Date, time and format
- Date and time: October 20, 2021 from 1-2 pm
- Please join the webinar via MLUconf
- Ask specific question in advance via Etherpad form
- Dr. Roberto Cozatl – Research Data Management (Natural Sciences) Open Science Team of the ULB
Scope of the webinar series

The Open Science Webinar series is aimed at PhD students and Postdocs from different backgrounds and disciplines at research institutions in Halle. Its purpose is to provide the audience with useful information about various aspects of Open Science (OS). In four webinars, a variety of OS topics including research data management, tools, standards, data protection, legal and intellectual property rights, tips for online publishing etc. will be covered. In a fifth seminar, a guest scientist will present practical and specific details about working with and the implementation of open science. It is hoped, this mixture between theory and a user case example might help the audience to better understand open science and where and how to start practicing it.
The MLU conference system mluconf will be used to deliver the webinars. There is no need to register; participants just need to join the webinar(s) on the day. The duration of the webinars is one hour, divided into a 40-45 min. presentation element and 15-20 min. slot for questions/discussion. The presentations will be available for consultation at a latter point via the Open Science website of the ULB.
This workshop has been realised with financial support from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.