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Month Archive for May 2024

31. May 2024

DFG approves first funding period of Integrated Research Training Group PROTEOFORuM (SFB 1664)

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The Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved the first funding period of the integrated Research Training Group (iRTG) PROTEOFORuM, which is part of the collaborative research center SFB 1664 “Plant Proteoform Diversity”. The major objective of SNP2Prot is to understand the translation of genome-encoded sequence variation to structural, mechanistic and functional proteoform […]

30. May 2024

[DFG] DFG-Förderangebote für die wissenschaftliche Karriere (07.06.2024)

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Welche Fördermöglichkeiten bietet die DFG Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern im Anschluss an die Promotion? Wir geben Ihnen einen Überblick über die DFG-Förderinstrumente von der Promotion zur Professur: Mitarbeit in Projekten, Sachbeihilfe mit Eigener Stelle, Walter Benjamin-, Emmy Noether- und Heisenberg-Programm. Das Ganze wird ergänzt durch Tipps zur Vorbereitung eines Antrags. Quelle: DFG Interessierte Promovierende und Postdocs […]

23. May 2024

[Uni Jena] Postdoc Days of Summer 2024 (June 18-20, 2024 | online)

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The Graduate Academy of the University of Jena offers career talks, info & network events for postdocs. Postdocs of our university are invited to register and participate in the online workshops. Further information and registration at:Postdoc Days of Summer 2024

16. May 2024

DFG approves new Research Training Group “Politik der Aufklärung” at MLU

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The Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved the application for the Research Training Group (RTG) “Politik der Aufklärung (GRK 2999)”. This will provide Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg with around five million euros for the training of doctoral students until 2030. 

16. May 2024

[Ref 6.1] EU-Förderung für Newcomer (13. Juni 2024 | online)

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Referat 6.1 – Forschungsförderung und -kooperation bietet die folgende Informationsveranstaltung zu Fördermöglichkeiten an. Beschreibung Diese Online-Veranstaltung stellt eine Einführung in das Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation der Europäischen Union, Horizon Europe, dar. Die Teilnehmenden lernen die Struktur von Horizon Europe kennen sowie die vielfältigen Fördermöglichkeiten, sowohl auf individueller als auch auf Verbundebene. Weitere Themen werden […]

9. May 2024

DFG Funding Opportunities: Walter Benjamin Programme (May 16, 2024 | online)

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This online talk focuses on the Walter Benjamin Programme of the DFG. Further details and the dial in link can be found at Info Talks on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers. Date: May 16, 2024 Time: 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. CET Language: English Please note: You can access the event via the link above […]

2. May 2024

Stipends for doctoral students from the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt 2024

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Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) biannually provides funding for scholarships. The funding comes from the Ministry of Science, Energy, Climate Protection and Environment of the State of Saxony-Anhalt. Start of the funding for this call is in the winter semester in October 2024. Announcement of graduate scholarships for doctoral candidates according to the Graduate Promotion […]

2. May 2024

Elections of doctoral representations of faculties (May 16-27, 2024)

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From May 16 to 27, 2024, doctoral representatives of the faculties will be elected. These elections will take place together with the university elections as an internet-based online election. The representatives want to improve the working, living, teaching and learning conditions during your PhD, fight for acknowledgement of doctoral student’s efforts and achievements within the […]

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