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16. May 2024

DFG approves new Research Training Group “Politik der Aufklärung” at MLU

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The Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved the application for the Research Training Group (RTG) “Politik der Aufklärung (GRK 2999)”. This will provide Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg with around five million euros for the training of doctoral students until 2030. 

One of the guiding principles of the Enlightenment is that reason alone should determine human action. What exactly this means has been the subject of intense debate since the 18th century – and not just in academia. Furthermore, as early as the 18th century, scholars claimed to have the power to shape politics as representatives of the Enlightenment and thus make their ideas on society and forms of government effective.

The future doctoral projects of RTG 2999 will examine this special relationship between the Enlightenment and politics from various perspectives: both historically and contemporarily, locally and globally. One focus is on the Enlightenment outside Europe and on the postcolonial critique of the Enlightenment. In order to do justice to the subject matter, the RTG brings together numerous humanities disciplines at MLU. In addition, doctoral students can draw on a network of partners from the USA, Great Britain, France, Qatar and China, among others.

(from MLU press release Nr. 64 | 13.05.2024)

About GRK 2999

Research Training Group “Politik der Aufklärung (GRK 2999)” spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Décultot, coordinator: NN (funding 2025-2030) (link)

Über Thomas Michael

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