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25. Jun 2024

Academic Writing for Natural Scientists (September 23 and October 15, 2024)

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Aim and Content

The interactive workshop aims at improving non-native English speakers’ skills in writing scientific texts in English and to permanently upgrade the linguistic quality of their English writing. Participants will be equipped with a textbook written by the trainer that covers all the features introduced during the sessions, they will have ample opportunity to ask individual questions, and they will receive immediate feedback on their own writing.

September 23, 2024, 9:30 – 17:30 | ON-SITE

First part:

  • Reflection on the character of the English language
  • Guidelines to create texts at a scientifically high level but also in an interesting way
  • Highlighting typical problems of non-native speaker authors and introduce straightforward strategies to avoid them

Second part:

  • Practical application of the acquired knowledge
  • Becoming familiar with further resources and electronically supported research and deepening methods

October 15, 2024, 9:30 – 17:30 | ONLINE

Third part:

  • Edited individual and group feedback on written texts
  • Short Individual PhD Mentoring Session

Participants will be asked to provide

  • English texts from their respective field of work, so the workshop can respond to the needs identified. 
  • a sample page written or revised after the first Workshop Session. The texts are provided by Dr. Crow edited and returned.

Target Audience

Doctoral students and postdocs from the Natural Sciences

Terms and Application

  • September 23, 2024: 9.30am – 5.30 pm (on-site) and October 15, 2023: 9.30 am – 5.30 pm (online)
  • Format: combined Workshop 
  • Location: Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, SR: 5.10 (roof level)
  • Group size: 10
  • Workshop-Language: English

Registration – open

    Faculty at MLU or institution (required)

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    Dr. Kimberly Crow specializes in assisting scholars who wish to improve their academic communication skills. For more than twenty years she has been leading workshops on “Academic Communication in English”. The German-American social scientist’s workshops and coachings focus on a variety of writing and presenting skills as well as on intercultural communication and they address junior and senior researches from a broad range of natural and social sciences as well as the humanities. Her work also includes editing English and German scientific publications of all kinds with main focus on language correction and adaptation of texts to the Anglo-Saxon academic writing style. For further information visit:

    Über Moriz Breit

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