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26. Jun 2024

Doctoral student wins Kantorowitsch dissertation award

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Michael Seifert from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has won the Kantorowitsch PhD Award with his doctoral thesis on “HYBRID CLOUD SHARE of Risk (HySOR). Eine risikosensitive Entscheidungsunterstützung für Service Level Agreement-basierte, hybride Cloud-Architektur”. (see Campus Halensis)

The award is conferred by des Instituts für Unternehmensforschung und Unternehmensführung (ifu) at MLU annually since 2000.

Dr. Michael Seifert did his doctorate in the group Information Systems, esp. Business Information Management of Prof. Dr. Stefan Sackmann (link).

Want to learn more about the research of doctoral students? Please check the doctoral student’s profiles.

Über Thomas Michael

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