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25. Jun 2024

Introduction to meta-analysis (September 02, 05, 09 and 13, 2024)

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Meta-analysis denotes the quantitative aggregation (research synthesis) across multiple scientific studies. This course aims at understanding and applying the core concepts and the workflow to conduct a meta-analysis. It is structured along a working example to learn and perform the different steps of a standard meta-analysis: hypothesis formulation, literature search, data extraction, statistical analysis, presentation, assessment of potential bias.

Each step will be introduced by a lecture, followed by the joint working example. At the end, the group of participants will have conducted their own meta-analysis. 

Specific Topics

➢ Understanding the aims and core concepts of meta-analysis 
➢ Searching and compiling relevant published literature 
➢ Extracting effect sizes from published studies 
➢ Conducting statistical analyses across effect sizes 
➢ Creating summary figures 
➢ Conducting bias and sensitivity analyses 


The workshop will prepare participants to compile their own datasets. They will become familiar with the basic workflow of meta-analyses and will become capable to conduct their own analyses. 


 The workshop will consist of lectures, practical exercises, and discussions together with a joint working example. 

Target Group and Group size

 Students, PhD students and Postdocs which want to become acquainted with meta-analyses. No previous knowledge in R or statistics will be required but is advantageous. The number of participants is restricted to 20. 

Terms and Application

  • September 02, September 05, September 09 and September 13:
    each day 9am – 4pm 
  • Format: on-site at MLU 
  • Location: Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, SR: 5.10 (roof level) 
  • Group size: maximum 20
  • Workshop-Language: English

Registration – open

    Faculty at MLU or institution (required)

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    Dr. Stephan Kambach, PostDoc at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.

    Dr. Christian Ristok, PostDoc at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig.

    Über Moriz Breit

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