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Month Archive for July 2024

1. Jul 2024

[UL] Lunch Lectures: Mein erstes „Vorsingen“ für die Professur – (F)Einheiten und Fallstricke (July 12, 2024 | online)

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Leipzig University organizes a lecture series on career and everyday life in academia of postdocs. This time the topic is Mein erstes „Vorsingen“ für die Professur – (F)Einheiten & Fallstricke Nach einer erfolgreichen Auswahl werden Bewerber:innen für eine Professur zu einem “Vorsingen” eingeladen. Dies involviert häufig einen wissenschaftlichen Vortrag, eine Lehrprobe und ein Kommissionsgespräch. Um […]

1. Jul 2024

[GSO] The Importance of Support Systems and Funding on Research Success

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Please check this GSO peer story of Jingyuan Xu. She shares her journey from aspiring scientist to group leader and provides inspiring insights into navigating academia and personal life. German Scholars Organization e.V. (GSO) supports and mentors researchers on their career path – irrespective of whether this path leads to a university or other research […]

1. Jul 2024

[Global Young Academy] Challenges Faced by Women Researchers: Stories from all around the Globe

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The Women in Science working group of the Global Young Academy (GYA) released a booklet on “Challenges faced by Women Researchers: Stories from all around the Globe“ (link) in May 2024. ” The personal stories illustrate means and ways in which women researchers overcome a range of challenges […] while achieving the equilibrium between professional […]

1. Jul 2024

[EU] Guidelines on the responsible use of generative AI in research

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The European Research Area Forum has developed guidelines on AI usage. For researchers the fact sheet concludes on Generative AI (GenAI): Follow key principles of research integrity, use GenAI transparently and remain ultimately responsible for scientific output. Use GenAI preserving privacy, confidentiality, and intellectual property rights on both, inputs and outputs. Maintain a critical approach […]

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