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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

27. Jan 2021

[TRR67|UL] – Planung und Durchführung von klinischen Studien unter dem Pandemieaspekt (11.-12.02.21)

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Das Graduiertenkolleg „Matrixengineering“ des TRR67 an der Uni Leipzig lädt herzlich zum Online Workshop zur „Planung und Durchführung von klinischen Studien unter dem Pandemieaspekt“ sowie zu „Möglichkeiten der Forschungsförderung des Technologietransfers“ im Rahmen des TRR67-IGK Moduls „Translational Aspects of Biomaterials“ ein.  Während des gesamten Workshops wird in besonderem Maße auf die Corona-Pandemiegeschehnisse im Bereich der Therapie, Test- und Impfstoffentwicklung sowie –zulassung eingegangen.  Für diesen […]

15. Jan 2021

New Year’s speech 2021 by rector of MLU

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22. Dec 2020

First steps as an international doctoral candidate at MLU

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22. Dec 2020

[iRTG SFB/TRR 102] Time and Self-management | free slots

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22. Dec 2020

Overview of InGrA workshops 2021

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Here you find an overview of InGrA workshops in 2021. Please follow the links for further details and registration. January Presentation and Rhetorics (January 27 & February 2, 2021 | An online workshop) March Introduction to Statistics and R (March 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2021 | online) Writing successful job applications in English (March 18, 2021 […]

18. Dec 2020

Quality Assurance in Medical Doctorates (new UniWiND publication)

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The recent UniWiND publication Volume 11 presents the results of the UniWiND working group “Quality Assurance in Medical Doctorates”, which worked from 2018-2020. The working group has devoted itself to the special features of doctoral studies in medicine, which, in contrast to doctorates in other subjects, are usually carried out during studies and for this […]

24. Nov 2020

Calls for women’s funding 2021 at MLU

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Calls for women’s grants at MLU are online. Current announcements: Network funds for the promotion of young female researchers in 2021: female doctoral students, postdocs, post-doctoral students, post-doctoral lecturers and junior professors can apply for funding for participation in conferences and further education measures as well as for working group meetings/research stays in 2021 Funds […]

20. Nov 2020

KI-Camp 2021 + KI-Newcomer / AI newcomers (April 27, 2021)

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BMBF and German Informatics Society (GI) are currently organizing the KI-Camp 2021 on April 27, 2021, which might be interesting for the AI researchers of all disciplines.

13. Nov 2020

Funding for research training group “ProMoAge” extended

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The Research Training Group 2155 “ProMoAge – Protein Modification: A Key Mechanism for Ageing” can continue its work for another four years. The DFG is funding the second phase with approximately 5.5 million euros. The GRK is managed by the Medical Faculty of the MLU together with the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. Read more (in German)

11. Nov 2020

Research Training Group | Beyond Amphiphilicity: Self-Organization of Soft Matter Via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions (GRK 2670)

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Spokesman: Prof. Dr. Dariush Hinderberger, coordinator: Dr. Imme Sakwa-Waltz funding period 2021-2025 by DFG; website About the doctoral program Amphiphilicity is a well-established qualitative concept contributing to the understanding of self-assembly processes of molecules composed of two inherently incompatible units (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) in aqueous systems. Polyphilic molecules are more complex molecules, from small molecules to macromolecules, that […]

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