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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

24. Apr 2020

Transdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung: Die Corona-Krise aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln

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Aus gegebenen Anlass wird in diesem Sommersemester eine transdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung zur Corona-Krise angeboten. Alle Vorträge werden vollständig online angeboten. Bitte registrieren Sie sich im Stud.IP unter Ringvorlesung zur Corona-Krise. Wir bedanken uns schon jetzt bei den Referierenden für ihre Bereitschaft und interessanten Themen. Die Veranstaltung wurde initiiert und organsiert durch Tobias Weirowski. Weitere Informationen

23. Apr 2020

Webinar: How to write a successful MSC-IF proposal (May 6, 2020)

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The National Contact Point for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (NCP MSC) will conduct a webinar on how to prepare a successful application for an Individual Fellowship (IF) on Wednesday, 6 May 2020 from 2-4 pm. Target group It is explicitly directed at international researchers who recently moved to Germany and are not yet fluent in […]

21. Apr 2020

Upcoming webinars for PhD students and postdocs by Young Entrepreneurs in Science

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28.04. Webinar: From PhD to SciencepreneurExplore your entrepreneurial strengths and meet our role models, who share challenges and opportunities of becoming an entrepreneur or intrapreneur. 06.05. Webinar: Prototype your PhDPractice Design Thinking and discover the potential of your own research to yield a product by building your first prototype.

8. Apr 2020

[TRR227] Update: Time and career management for scientists (webinar no vacant slot| May 7 & 28)

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Update: All slots of the online webinar of the iRTG of SFB/TRR 227 “Ultrafast Spin Dynamics” are filled. The webinar is equivalent to two workshop days, spread over three weeks. This course includes two live webinar sessions on May 7th and 28th. In this course you will learn…The basic principles of time-management What do I want to […]

7. Apr 2020

How to deal with social distancing

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Structure your day with respect to your tasks and duties. Also include and structure activities of your family members, if any. Include breaks as well. Stay active, do some sports activities and go outside from time to time. Stay in touch with colleagues, family and friends electronically (telephone, Skype, FaceTime, etc.) Rely on trustable sources […]

26. Mar 2020

New guide for doctoral candidates at MLU realeased

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The guide for doctoral candidates at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has been updated.

24. Mar 2020

Shutdown of IT at MLU from 6-8 am on March 25, 2020

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Due to system maintenance, numerous servers and associated services at MLU will be shut down on March 25, 2020 between 6am and 8am (CEST). Among others, this effects very prominent services such as various web servers and web presences the e-mail system, the services for printing, copying and scanning, various database servers, our Opencast servers, […]

24. Mar 2020

Free Ivy League Online Courses

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Free online courses from universities of the Ivy League can be found at:

6. Mar 2020

So finden Sie den passenden Job: Stellensuche auf dem außerakademischen Arbeitsmarkt (cancelled |March 23, 2020)

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Für viele Wissenschaftler*innen stellt sich die Frage, ob nach Abschluss der Promotion noch länger an einer Wissenschaftskarriere gearbeitet werden sollte. Denn Wissenschaftskarriere in Deutschland ist schwierig: in der Regel geht es darum, den Weg zur Professur erfolgreich zu gehen. Da viele Promovierende und PostDocs nicht Professor*in werden, ist es in jedem Fall sinnvoll, einen Plan […]

3. Mar 2020

iDiv Summer School 2020 – Pollination Ecology (July 6-11, 2020 | cancelled)

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We are happy to announce the iDiv Summer School 2020 “Pollination Ecology”, 6 to 11 July 2020, in Leipzig, Germany. This iDiv Summer School is led by Tiffany Knight and Amibeth Thompson, iDiv research group Spatial Interaction Ecology. During the six summer school days, participants will be immersed into the field of pollination ecology with lectures, computer labs using […]

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