Was ist eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen von Promovierenden? Ganz klar, das Schreiben der Arbeit.
An der MLU Halle-Wittenberg schreiben von den ca. 2000 Promovierenden nicht wenige an Ihrer Arbeit und stehen vor ähnlichen Problemen, bei denen wir uns untereinander austauschen und unterstützen sollten. Das hat uns inspiriert, als Promovierendenvertretung das erste Mal und testweise ein im März (21/ 22.3.2025) stattfindendes, sogenanntes Schreib-Retreat zu konzipieren auf dem wir für Euch zwei Angebote kombinieren möchten. 1. Das kopräsente Arbeiten (Co-Working) und Austesten von Schreibstrategien und 2. zwei kostenlose Workshops zu Themen des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens und der Stressbewältigung bzw. dem Umgang mit Scheitern während der Promotion an jeweils einem der zwei Tage.
The next PhD Round Table will take place on Wednesday, 5th of February 2025, 7 pm at Irish Fiddler in the Große Ulrichstraße 37. As always, you can meet other PhD students and postdocs as well as PhD Network staff at the monthly get-together and network.
Focused writing time – community and exchange – feedback and support
The gender*bildet writing week offers academics with gender-related issues the opportunity to devote themselves intensively to a writing project as part of their qualification or research – be it a dissertation or habilitation, an abstract, an article or a research proposal. The centrepiece is the focused writing time together, which not only promotes productivity, but also enables students to be mindful of their own resources. In addition, individual writing coaching offers targeted support for specific challenges and helps to develop customised solutions. Participants are invited to withdraw from everyday life for a week and devote themselves entirely to their research work. They can write undisturbed, exchange ideas and find support in a concentrated environment far away from the university and the world of work.
An intensive week to write on your PhD thesis or research project
we would like to thank you for continuing efforts during your research studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in 2024.
Your research results contribute to the good scientific reputation of our university in Germany and world-wide. Please find some examples of research of doctoral students in the doctoral student’s profiles.
We wish you a merry holiday season and all the best for the New Year 2025.
The next PhD Round Table will take place on Wednesday, 6th of November 2024, 7 pm at Café Noir in the Kleine Ulrichstr. 30. As always, you can meet other PhD students and postdocs as well as PhD Network staff at our monthly get-together and network.
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) biannually provides funding for scholarships for doctoral students. The funding comes from the Ministry of Science, Energy, Climate Protection and Environment of the State of Saxony-Anhalt. Start of the funding for this call is in the summer semester in April 2025.
Announcement of graduate scholarships for doctoral candidates according to the Graduate Promotion Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (in German):
MLU Newcomers Club warmly invites you to the regular get-togethers (Stammtisch), which take place every third Tuesday of the month from 7 PM at the Anny Kilkenny Pub. In a relaxed and informal atmosphere, you can meet other newcomers, share experiences, and form new friendships.
The next Stammtisch will take place October 15, 2024 at 7 pm at Anny Kilkenny Pub (openstreetmap).
Since its founding in 2015, the NCC has been a welcoming space for everyone new to MLU – especially national and international PhD students, postdocs, and faculty members. The aim is to foster connections among newcomers and to help you settle in quickly in Halle and at the university.
Starting now, the Newcomers Club warmly invites you to our regular get-togethers (Stammtisch), which take place every third Tuesday of the month from 7 PM at the Anny Kilkenny Pub. In a relaxed and informal atmosphere, you can meet other newcomers, share experiences, and form new friendships.
The third order for amendment of the doctoral regulation of Faculty of Medicine has been relased as new version (in German). The regulations came into force on August 28, 2024.
Promotionsordnung der Medizinischen Fakultät der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg vom 07.05.2024