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1. Jul 2024

[Global Young Academy] Challenges Faced by Women Researchers: Stories from all around the Globe

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The Women in Science working group of the Global Young Academy (GYA) released a booklet on “Challenges faced by Women Researchers: Stories from all around the Globe“ (link) in May 2024.

” The personal stories illustrate means and ways in which women researchers overcome a range of challenges […] while achieving the equilibrium between professional and personal life.” (from the Foreword)

Did you know?
The GYA Office is located in Halle (Saale).

14. Jun 2024

[IO] Scholarship for particularly committed international doctoral candidates (2024/25)

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The International Office of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg is awarding scholarships in the winter semester 2024 (funding period September 2024 to January 2025), financed by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA).

The scholarships are aimed at international doctoral candidates at MLU Halle-Wittenberg who distinguish themselves through their special commitment in an international context in connection with MLU.

The scholarships are intended to honour outstanding commitment, contribute to its preservation and motivate further commitment.

The scholarship of 300 € is awarded for a period of up to 5 months.

Application deadline: 8th July 2024 | 4 p.m.

Further information

12. Jun 2024

[Institut français Berlin] 9. deutsch-französischer Tag der Nachwuchsforschenden (05. Juli 2024)

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Die Abteilung für Wissenschaft und Technologie der Französischen Botschaft in Berlin, Campus France Deutschland und die Deutsch-Französische Hochschule laden Sie am Freitag, den 5. Juli 2024 ab 16 Uhr im Institut français Berlin ein, am  9. Deutsch-Französischen Tag der Nachwuchsforschenden (link) teilzunehmen.  

Die Einladung richtet sich an Masterstudierende, die eine Promotion anstreben, Promovierende und Postdoc. Es werden Vorträge über deutsch-französische Promotionsmöglichkeiten, kurze Forschungsaufenthalte in Frankreich, binational betreute Promotionen und Karriereentwicklung nach der Promotion angeboten (zum vollständigen Programm).

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15. May 2023

[U Heidelberg] Marsilius Academy (September 10 – 15, 2023 | onsite)

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Titled “[At the] Limits of Life: Dealing with Biofacts, Embryos and Hybrids – Perspectives from Sciences and Humanities” the Academy aims to bring together an international group of young researchers from the life and natural sciences, the social sciences and humanities to engage in interdisciplinary exchange and discussion. The summer academy addresses fundamental challenges arising from recent developments within the fields of biology, biomedicine and bioengineering.

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21. Feb 2023

PhD Network Round Table (March 1, 2023)

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The next PhD Round Table will take place on Wednesday, 1st of March 2023, 7 pm at Anny Kilkenny Irish Pub (August-Bebel-Straße 52). If you would like to attend, please email .

Please check the PhD network website for further information.

9. Sep 2022

Visit of Ethiopian and Ugandan project partners at MLU (September 2-7, 2022)

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Our project partners from Addis Ababa University (AAU), Ethiopia and Gulu University (GU), Uganda visited us for a workshop from September 2-7, 2022.

From the InGrA perspective and the subproject “Building up a Graduate Program Hub” we visited the iDiv research center and it’s graduate school yDiv and exchanged ideas about supervision agreements. We also visited the MPI of Microstructure Physics and it’s International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS-STNS) and discussed aspects of good scientific practice.

The workshop overall focused on exchange, report on the progress of the project and possible future perspectives. The workshop has been coordinated by Dr. T. Weirowski.

Guided tour at iDiv. (photo: N. Sachmerda-Schulz)

7. Jun 2022

Career paths of academics

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The newly released website Wissen Schafft Karriere (in German) provides a general overview of career paths in science as well as specific opportunities for a career at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU).

So what does a career in science at MLU look like? A doctorate is often the beginning of an academic career towards a professorship. And yet, the doctorate opens up many other career opportunities, both at MLU and at many other institutions.

The compatibility of family and career or one’s own health have a significant impact on professional development and career. The website also illustrates this and show support options in working life through MLU.

Last but not least, you will find statutes, regulations and templates for various decisions and guidelines relating to career options and organisation at MLU.

5. Apr 2022

[LUH] Online Lunch Talk: „Coming back – working within the German scientific community again after a postdoc stay abroad“ (April 7, 2022)

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This is an event organised by the Graduate Academy of Leibniz University Hannover (LUH). The event will be held in German.

Together with the guests Dr. Jannika Lauth (Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry) and Dr. Jens Langejürgen (Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation), the participants will talk about strategies for a successful return after a stay abroad as a postdoc. The guests will report on their everyday research life abroad and how they found their way back into the German research sector. Let’s inspire you! You will find registration options and further information on the website:

17. Dec 2021

New plate: University explains work on Amo memorial

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The university is working on a new concept to commemorate Anton Wilhelm Amo, the first Afro-German academic at a German university, who worked in Halle and Wittenberg. At the Universitätsring, the rector and the chairman of the appointed rectorate commission inaugurated a plate pointing out the discrepancy between the artwork “Free Africa” and a memorial plate for Amo placed nearby in 1975.

Read more at Campus Halensis (in German).

Further information in Anton Wilhelm Amo and the work of the Rectorate Commission at .

7. Oct 2021

International PhD Days 2021 (October 21/22, 2021)

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The International PhD Days mainly aim at doctoral candidates who have recently started their PhD at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. You will have the opportunity to learn about important areas of the university and its support services during short presentations. 


Thursday, October 21, 2021

  • 1:00 – 1:30 pm: Welcome and opening of the International PhD Days with a greeting by the City of Halle
  • 1:30 – 2:00 pm: Doctoral studies and InGrA at MLU (Dr. Thomas Michael, InGrA)
  • 2:00 – 2:30 pm: Presentation on the support services of the International Office & PhD Network (Esther Smykalla & Markus Niedobitek, PhD Network)
  • 18:00 – 22:00: Get-together at Peißnitzhaus with buffet and drinks. According to the current regulations, this face-to-face event will take place according to the “3G rule”. This means that only persons who are vaccinated against Covid-19, recovered or tested negatively can participate; proof must be carried with them.
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