News for Postdocs
2. Oct
Written by Thomas Michael
Leipzig University organizes a lecture series on career and everyday life in academia of postdocs. This time the topic is
Wissenschaftsmanagement als Karriereoption
as relativ junge Berufsfeld Wissenschaftsmanagement ist Promovierten oft (noch) wenig bekannt. Dabei bietet dieser Karriereweg die Chance, ganz vielfältigen und die Wissenschaft unterstützenden Aufgaben nachzugehen. In dieser Lunch Lecture bekommen Sie einen Überblick über mögliche Themenfelder und Arbeitgeber:innen und erste Ideen, wie Sie Ihre persönlichen Stärken nutzen können um in diesem spannenden Berufsfeld einzusteigen.
Target group
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Complementary Skills Workshop 2024, external workshops and events, News for Postdocs | No Comments
25. Sep
Written by Thomas Michael
Since its founding in 2015, the NCC has been a welcoming space for everyone new to MLU – especially national and international PhD students, postdocs, and faculty members. The aim is to foster connections among newcomers and to help you settle in quickly in Halle and at the university.
Starting now, the Newcomers Club warmly invites you to our regular get-togethers (Stammtisch), which take place every third Tuesday of the month from 7 PM at the Anny Kilkenny Pub. In a relaxed and informal atmosphere, you can meet other newcomers, share experiences, and form new friendships.
Find out more at the website of MLU Newcomers Club.
Doctorate at MLU, International, MLU Newcomers Club, News for Postdocs, News from MLU | No Comments
16. Sep
Written by Thomas Michael
Gemeinsam mit der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina lädt Die Junge Akademie herzlich zum ersten Leopoldina-Spieleabend am 18. November 2024 ein, bei dem Cornelis Menke, Alumnus der Jungen Akademie, das von ihm entwickelte Wissenschaftssimulationsspiel „Peer Review“ vorstellen wird.
Das Spiel bietet einen unterhaltsamen und zugleich lehrreichen Einblick in den Peer-Review-Prozess. Als ein essenzieller Bestandteil des wissenschaftlichen Publikations- und Förderwesens stellt dieser Prozess sicher, dass nur qualitativ hochwertige Forschungsprojekte gefördert und Forschung ihren Weg in die Fachliteratur findet.
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external workshops and events, News for Postdocs | No Comments
11. Sep
Written by Thomas Michael
“Close the gap: Wie können Geschlechteraspekte stärker in der Forschung berücksichtigt werden?”
Onlinediskussion mit Prof. Dr. Oliver Werz und Prof. Dr. Anna Kipp
Moderation: Dr. Michael Wutzler
online von 16-17 Uhr
Die Dominanz männlicher Perspektiven hat auch in der Wissenschaft dazu geführt, dass geschlechterspezifische Daten in vielen Bereichen der Forschung und der Gesellschaft unzureichend erfasst sind: Sei es bspw. bei der Wirkung von Medikamenten, den Arten der Fortbewegung, bei Sicherheitstechnologien oder der Altersvorsorge. Dabei führt Gendersensibilität zu einer höheren wissenschaftlichen Qualität und präziseren Ergebnissen, die auch in der Praxis zu besseren Anwendungen führen. Nicht zuletzt trägt gendersensible Forschung zu einer gleichstellungsorientierten gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung bei. Dahingehend hat sich in den letzten Jahren einiges getan.
Mehr erfahren …
Dieser Workshop findet im Rahmen der Postdocs Appreciation Week 2024 (PAW) statt.
Complementary Skills Workshop 2024, Doctorate in Germany, Equality, external workshops and events, News for Postdocs | No Comments
2. Sep
Written by Thomas Michael
Leipzig University organizes a lecture series on career and everyday life in academia of postdocs. This time the topic is
Is doing a postdoc (still) the right thing for me?
In this interactive lunch lecture, you will learn how to assess your academic profile and identify your skills and strengths after completing your PhD. We will guide you through evaluating whether pursuing a postdoc is the right step for you and provide tools to help you decide if a professorship aligns with your career goals. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain clarity on your professional path and make informed.
Target group
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Complementary Skills Workshop 2024, external workshops and events, News for Postdocs | No Comments
13. Aug
Written by Thomas Michael
There is a growing demand and responsibility for science to make a positive impact on society. To achieve this, researchers are increasingly expected and motivated to communicate their findings publicly and engage with non-academic actors, however in some cases, they face unwelcome, aggressive reactions. Researchers can become targets of impertinent attacks, hate speech, trolling campaigns, or even physical threats, which can be distressing and can undermine their credibility as experts. Skills in dealing with such attacks, or strategies of how to build resilient communication campaigns and engagement plans often do not play a central role in university curricula and the daily routines of research institutes. Approaches to dealing with such attacks, and wider strategies of how to build resilient and safeguarded communication campaigns and engagement plans are therefore essential skills for researchers.
This training programme is tailored to early career researchers who want to learn how to avoid or deal with hostility and hate speech attacks, where to find help, and most importantly how to create their own communication and engagement strategy in order to maximise their impact beyond academia.
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external workshops and events, News for Postdocs | No Comments
1. Aug
Written by Thomas Michael
The CZS STEM Impact School is a three-day educational training programme for researchers from the STEM disciplines. The aim of the Impact School is to impart fundamental principles for socially effective and quality-orientated science communication in five consecutive modules. In addition to the development of individual communication and impact plans, the programme also focuses on inter- and transdisciplinary exchange between participants. The CZS STEM Impact School is sponsored by the Carl Zeiss Foundation.
In 2024, the CZS STEM Impact School will take place on three dates. Interested parties can choose between participation in
- Berlin (30 October – 1 November 2024, German-speaking),
- Mainz (6-8 November 2024, German-speaking)
- or the option of online participation (17-19 December 2024, English-speaking).
- participation fee is 100 Euro
Requirements for the application:
- You are doing research in the STEM field (Natural Sciences, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics).
- You are at least in the second year of your respective doctorate or are a post-doc up to 6 years after completing your doctorate.
- You have an interest in the societal impact of your research and in learning effective science communication tools
- The deadline for applications is 20 August 2024.
Further information and registration
external workshops and events, News for Postdocs | No Comments
30. Jul
Written by Thomas Michael
Inspired by the celebration of the Postdoc Appreciation Week in the USA and the UK, the PAW Germany coordination team invited researchers and research institutions, postdoc coordinators and research administrators all over Germany to join in creating a special program, events and a social media campaign to honor the incredible work of postdocs!
The initiative was well taken and our colleagues and postdoc networks all over the country quickly put together a great program with a wide range of topics – most of them online and open for attendees from any institution in Germany.
Find out more about the Postdoc Appreciation Week (PAW) Germany at
News for Postdocs | No Comments