In spring 2021, the Diversity and Equal Opportunity Office and the Equal Opportunity Advisory Council launched a survey on the pandemic-related challenges for scientists in the early stage within the university. In the meantime, the responses have been reviewed and a report with many answers and information has been written.
How to establish a scientific profile? How to become a successful team leader? What makes grant applications worthy of support? How to establish a sustainable network? A career in academia comes along with lots of questions and challenges!
From June 2022 the mentoring programme for female postdoctoral researchers, provided by the universities of Halle, Jena and Leipzig, offers eight places at each university for highly-qualified female postdocs, researchers undertaking a ‘habilitation’, junior scientist group leaders and junior professors, to support them in their development and future careers. Applications can be submitted up to February 28, 2022 by the associated university.
The Innovation Cup is an initiative for post-graduate students and young professionals in natural sciences, computer sciences, and business administration to attend a training program near Frankfurt, Germany.
The Innovation Cup is designed to support the professional development of post-graduate students interested in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry. Participants learn how R&D in the industry works by lectures from Merck managers and scientists. The students will also advance an idea to a full project plan with their team. The event brings together a promising new generation of talent with senior managers and researchers and accomplished retirees in a meeting of the generations.
with disabilities/chronic physical/psychological diseases has been created.
The round table offers space for exchange about the work in science, challenges of doctoral studies, funding opportunities, life at the university, job prospects, and other questions and topics that concern you.
Up until now, it has been possible to submit incident reports to the DFG Head Office on research misconduct related to DFG-funded research/activities – as well as other types of misconduct – via the usual channels of e-mail, telephone, fax and the postal service.
Effective immediately, these channels will be supplemented by the DFG’s electronic Research Integrity Incident Reporting System (link) – a web-based platform that can be used via internet browsers on computers, tablets and smartphones.
(source: Information for Researchers No. 104 | 22 November 2021)
Part I (November 8, 2021) – Funding opportunities for research stays abroad as well as for the own position at home and abroad
The main topics of the workshop are funding possibilities for the postdoc phase (research stays abroad or scientific position in Germany). Funding opportunities from the EU, the DFG and the DAAD will be presented. Main target group are international doctoral candidates, who will finish their doctorate in the near future and postdoctoral researchers who have received their doctoral degree no longer than two years ago. The workshop is organised by the Department 6.1 – Research funding and cooperation and the International Office.
Date and time: Monday November, 8 2021, 1:00-5:15 pm
The Lindau Guidelines aim for an open, cooperative science community where data and knowledge are freely shared. The goals are ambitious, and their implementation can be achieved through different methods. The goals have been discussed, amended and refined, and were released after the Online Science Days in June 2020.
You are invited to register for the UFZ Career Center workshop “Balancing cooperation and competition in science” on 30.09./09.11.2021.
Workshop content: While cooperation is publicly emphasized, the everyday work of scientists’ can also lead to overt or covert competition within a team or organization. Competition between team colleagues is particularly delicate. While cooperation is the ideal this course assumes that competition among scientist is inevitable to a certain extent. Learn how to cope with and even benefit from it. The training is led by Nina Bessing.
Are you a doctoral or post-doctoral student at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and are you aiming for a career in university or non-university science? Do you want to shape your career path in a self determined and solution-oriented way and network with other female scientists? Great goals are best achieved together.
What can you expect in the mentoring programme?
One-to-one mentoring with established professors Networking with other female academics from all faculties at MLU (Digital) workshops on key qualification (Digital) peer counselling as a group-dynamic element.
What else do you need to know?
Duration: September 2021- September 2022 digital preparatory workshop to introduce you to the mentoring process
Would you like to apply or find out if mentoring is something for you?
If you are unsure what mentoring is and whether the programme is something for you, you are welcome to request a personal Webex appointment with the project coordinator. (Mail: )