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News from MLU

9. Apr 2024

Election of the PhD Representatives 2024

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The time has come! – the doctoral student representatives at MLU Halle-Wittenberg will be elected for the second time. This means that all doctoral students at this university have the opportunity to vote and elect their representatives between May 16 and May 27, 2024. However, they not only have the right to vote, but also can be elected themselves.

So if you feel that you would like to represent the interests of doctoral students in your faculty or the Senate, please contact your representation (for information) or fill in the form directly (between April 3 and April 23, 2024). Further information on the procedure can be found on the website of the election committee.

The active PhD representatives – have set themselves the final task of making this election a success. This means that at least two people from each of MLU’s nine faculties will stand for election so that each faculty is represented in the respective council meetings as well as in the doctoral student council.

More at the website of the PhD representatives.

5. Apr 2024

Interviews mit drei Doktorandinnen der MLU

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Wie sieht also eine Karriere in der Wissenschaft an der MLU aus? Die Promotion ist oft der Anfang einer Wissenschaftskarriere hin zu einer Professur. Und dennoch, die Promotion eröffnet viele weitere berufliche Möglichkeiten, sowohl an der MLU als auch in vielen anderen Institutionen.

Die Interviews sind Teil der Erfahrungsberichte auf der Webseite zur Karriereberatung der MLU

31. Jan 2024

New statutes on the principles for safeguarding good scientific practice at MLU

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MLU has recently released the new statutes on good scientific practice (in German). Every researcher at MLU has to comply with the rules of good scientific practice.

Satzung über die Grundsätze zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis und über den Umgang mit Vorwürfen wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhaltens an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Amtsblatt 34. Jahrgang, Nr. 1 vom 16. Januar 2024, S. 1

8. Dec 2023

What supervisors want / Was Betreuende erwarten

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The relationship between doctoral researchers and their supervisors influences the pathway and success of a doctoral project and is a crucial factor for the start of an academic career (Ives & Rowley 2007). It is thus all the more important that both parties deal with the perspective, expectations and needs of the other side.

With the project “What supervisors want” InGrA sheds some light on the relationship between supervisors and their doctoral students. The project was carried out in 2023.

The project consists of the following parts:

  • Introduction to the project
  • Results of the online survey of doctoral students on supervision
  • Portraits of interview participants
  • Interviews with supervisors (in German)
    • Prof. Dr. Daniel Wefers (Food Chemistry)
    • Prof. Dr. Jenny Haase (Spanish and American Literature and Culture), 
    • Prof. Dr. Ingo Heilmann (Plant Biochemistry) 
    • Prof. Dr. Konstanze Senge (Economic and Organisational Sociology).
  • Interview: main take-aways (in English)

To provide information and guidance for doctoral students we have approached supervisors in four departments at MLU. In semi-structured interviews we asked them about their perspective and experiences in the supervision of doctoral students. This was preceded by an online survey in which doctoral researchers had the opportunity to ask their questions and thus helped to shape the interview guidelines. Enjoy the reading. Hopefully, we can broaden your perspective on doctoral supervision and What supervisors want.

More at the website What supervisors want

14. Nov 2023

[A6] DFG Individual funding programmes for Postdocs (November 15, 2023)

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Department 6 – Research, Transfer and Third Party Funding Service offers the following information event on funding opportunities.


The information event provides a short overview of the DFG individual funding programmes for the postdoc-phase. The funding requirements and conditions of the Walter Benjamin Programme, the Emmy Noether Programme and the Research Grant with Module Temporary Position for PI will be presented. The participants will have the opportunity to ask their questions.

[ Read On … ]

8. Nov 2023

Second funding period of two Research Training Groups approved

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Congratulations! The German Research Foundation (DFG) is once again funding two Research Training Groups (RTGs) at MLU with around four million euros each. This will enable the successful training of doctoral students in the fields of plant research and protein research to be continued and expanded.

The Research Training Group “Communication and Dynamics of Plant Cell Compartments (GRK 2498)” is investigating the question of how plants produce their special ingredients and valuable substances.

The Research Training Group “Intrinsically Disordered Proteins – Molecular Principles, Cellular Functions, and Diseases (GRK 2467)” is investigating a special class of proteins that is also responsible for many serious diseases.

Read more at press release 140/2023 on November 8, 2023 (in German).

7. Nov 2023

Networking-Event Startup FOCUS PITCH & CONNECT (November 13, 2023)

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As part of the Entrepreneurship Week at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, the Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office, in cooperation with Univations GmbH and with the kind support of Stadtwerke Halle GmbH, is hosting the pitch and networking event “Startup FOCUS PITCH & CONNECT”.

On Monday, 13.11.2023, the doors of Volkspark Halle (Schleifweg 8a, 06114 Halle (Saale)) will open from 18:30 for all interested founders, startup enthusiasts and partners of the regional startup ecosystem. At around 6:45 pm, we will open the CONNECT networking part with a success story of Johannes Raschpichler, founder and CEO of Insone GmbH, and then invite you to get to know or re-connect to each other over a few snacks, exchange ideas and network. Take this opportunity to get to know a wide variety of players and supporters of the regional entrepreneurship ecosystem, such as current pre-founding teams, startups and investors in the traditional ambience of Volkspark and to network with them or refresh existing contacts!

Please register for the networking event until Thursday, 9th of November.

Information about more events of the Entrepreneurship Week and how to register for them can be found here:

13. Oct 2023

[MLU] Agreement of cooperation for the support of early-career scientists in Saxony-Anhalt

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Both universities and the four Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW) in Saxony-Anhalt have signed a cooperation agreement. The main goal of this cooperation is to strengthen the collaboration for the qualification of scientists in the early career phase in Saxony-Anhalt.

Minister A. Willingmann and the rectors of OVGU, HS Harz, MLU, HS Magdeburg-Stendal, HS Anhalt and HS Merseburg after signing the agreement of cooperation.

First, HAW and universities agree to consider doctoral candidates in qualification formats such as workshops or information events. Secondly, experiences and best practice examples for the promotion of early-career researchers will be exchanged between the graduate academies and HAW.

Further information by press release of HS Anhalt (in German).

29. Sep 2023

Doctoral student from MLU wins dvs dissertation award

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Amelie Heinrich from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has won with her doctoral thesis on “A Biopsychosocial Framework of Biathlon Performance. An interdisciplinary approach to explain, predict and optimize elite biathlon performance” she won the dvs-Promotionspreis 2023 – sponsored by Hofmann-Verlag (laudation Prof. Dr. Oliver Stoll). This is connected with a prize money of 1500 EUR. From a total of 26 dissertations, the three best papers were selected in two stages.

(translated from dvs news 25.09.23 (in German))

Want to learn more about Amelie Heinrich? Please check her doctoral student’s profile.

7. Sep 2023

Series of guides (Guides4docs@MLU) for early career researchers at MLU released

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InGrA has released a series of guides Guides4docs@MLU recently. With the following topics you can get a good overview of options and requirements during your future or current doctorate at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.

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