News from MLU
14. Jun
Written by Thomas Michael
Michelle Kammel from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has won the VAAM PhD Award with her doctoral thesis on “Klassischer Ionen-Kanal oder Transporter? – Mechanistische Studien zeigen das Hybrid-Verhalten des Formiat-Kanals FocA”.
The award is conferred by the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM). Outstanding microbiological doctoral theses are awarded with the VAAM PhD Awards each year at the VAAM Annual Conference.
Want to learn more about the research of doctoral students? Please check the doctoral student’s profiles.
Doctorate at MLU, News from MLU | No Comments
5. Jun
Written by Thomas Michael
Congratulations! The doctoral students representatives of the faculties have been elected. The election period is 01.09.24-31.08.26. Please find below an overview of all representatives and check the website of the doctoral representation council at MLU too.
Faculty of Theology
- Stütz, Felix
- Blume, Nora (deputy)
Faculty of Law and Economics
Faculty of Philosophy II
- Russell, Janet Marion Friederike
- Alan van Keeken (deputy)
Faculty of Philosophy III
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Doctorate at MLU, News from MLU | No Comments
4. Jun
Written by Thomas Michael
Im September findet erstmalig eine Schreibwoche für Wissenschaftler*innen mit genderbezogenen Fragestellungen statt.
Zielgruppe sind vor allem Wissenschaftler*innen in Qualifikation, die sich in ihrer Dissertation oder ihrem Forschungsprojekt mit Genderaspekten beschäftigen. Auch Studierende in Abschlussphasen können sich bewerben.
Für 5 Tage geht es in die Stiftung Leucorea nach Wittenberg:
- Rückzug,
- Schreiben,
- Vernetzung,
- Schreibcoaching,
- Austausch und Unterstützung.
Die Kosten werden von gender*bildet übernommen.
Weitere Informationen zum Anmeldeprocedere finden Sie auf der Webseite der Netzwerkstelle für Genderforschung und -lehre.
Complementary Skills Workshop 2024, Equality, News from MLU | No Comments
3. Jun
Written by Thomas Michael
SNP2Prot is currently recruiting postdoctoral and doctoral researchers for the first 45-months funding period starting in October 2024.
SNP2Prot offers an excellent scientific environment for interested scientists of different research fields: Plant Science, Protein Science and Computer Science at contributing institutions in Germany:
- Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale)
- Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB), Halle (Saale)
- Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben
- Leipzig University, Leipzig
Each of the 17 projects of SNP2Prot is designed to combine expertise of two principal investigators (PIs) of complementary disciplines. This promising concept ensures that all candidates (PhD students and postdocs) benefit significantly from the interdisciplinary environment including scientific training in structural protein biochemistry, plant biology as well as computational science and bioinformatics and training of transferable skills. Furthermore, the unique and comprehensive mentoring is ideal to develop and actively realize individual career planning.
Take the opportunity and become part of the SNP2Prot team.
Link to the job announcements
Doctorate at MLU, funding, News from MLU, News from the graduate schools 2024 | No Comments
16. May
Written by Thomas Michael
Referat 6.1 – Forschungsförderung und -kooperation bietet die folgende Informationsveranstaltung zu Fördermöglichkeiten an.
Diese Online-Veranstaltung stellt eine Einführung in das Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation der Europäischen Union, Horizon Europe, dar. Die Teilnehmenden lernen die Struktur von Horizon Europe kennen sowie die vielfältigen Fördermöglichkeiten, sowohl auf individueller als auch auf Verbundebene. Weitere Themen werden rechtliche, administrative und finanzielle Aspekte in Horizon Europe sein. Zudem lernen Sie Ihre Ansprechpartner*innen an der MLU kennen, die Sie bei der Antragstellung als auch später beim Projektmanagement unterstützen.
Zu den Kursschwerpunkten gehören u. a.:
- Struktur von und Förderlinien in Horizon Europe,
- Vom Programm zum Projekt
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Complementary Skills Workshop 2024, funding, News for Postdocs, News from MLU | No Comments
2. May
Written by Thomas Michael
From May 16 to 27, 2024, doctoral representatives of the faculties will be elected. These elections will take place together with the university elections as an internet-based online election.
The representatives want to improve the working, living, teaching and learning conditions during your PhD, fight for acknowledgement of doctoral student’s efforts and achievements within the university and give young scientist a strong voice.The representatives also want to provide important information and contact points for you in a central place and keep you updated about developments concerning the status of PhD candidates/students. Read more about the representation at MLU.
The term of office of the members is two years, which means that the next (= second) elections of the doctoral representatives will take place in 2026.
Read more (in German) about the election.
Doctorate at MLU, News from MLU | No Comments
24. Apr
Written by Thomas Michael
Referat 6.1 – Forschungsförderung und -kooperation bietet die folgende Informationsveranstaltung zu Fördermöglichkeiten an.
Im Mittelpunkt der zweistündigen Informationsveranstaltung stehen die beiden DFG-Förderlinien des Emmy Noether-Programms sowie des Heisenberg-Programms. Während das Emmy Noether-Programm Nachwuchsforschenden die Möglichkeit bietet, ein eigenes Forschungsthema mit einem eigenen Team zu bearbeiten und währenddessen für die spätere Berufbarkeit wesentliche Erfahrungen zu sammeln, bietet das Heisenberg-Programm bereits berufbaren Nachwuchsforschenden die Möglichkeit, sich auf eine Professur vorzubereiten und gleichzeitig ihr hervorragendes Forschungsprofil durch eigene Projekte weiter zu schärfen.
Zu beachten ist, dass die Antragstellung im DFG Emmy Noether- Programm bis vier Jahre nach Abschluss der Promotion möglich ist.
Zu den Kursschwerpunkten gehören u. a.:
- Vorstellen der Förderprogramme DFG Emmy Noether-Programm und DFG Heisenberg-Programm,
- Überblick über die Förderbedingungen beider Programme.
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Complementary Skills Workshop 2024, funding, News for Postdocs, News from MLU | No Comments
18. Apr
Written by Thomas Michael
Department 6.1 – Research Funding and Cooperation offers the following information event on funding opportunities:
Internationally mobile in the postdoc phase: European and global postdoc fellowships within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
The Postdoctoral Fellowships funded by the European Commission support excellent individual research projects by scientists who have already completed their doctorate at education institutions inside and outside Europe. They are divided into European Fellowships and Global Fellowships and aim to support scientific careers through international and, if necessary, intersectoral mobility. This is intended to support researchers in achieving or strengthening an independent research position.
Target group
PhD students and Postdocs in early career stage are invited to take part in the event. You will learn about the funding schemes of the European Fellowship and Global Fellowship as well as the application procedure.
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Complementary Skills Workshop 2024, funding, News for Postdocs, News from MLU | No Comments
9. Apr
Written by Thomas Michael
The time has come! – the doctoral student representatives at MLU Halle-Wittenberg will be elected for the second time. This means that all doctoral students at this university have the opportunity to vote and elect their representatives between May 16 and May 27, 2024. However, they not only have the right to vote, but also can be elected themselves.
So if you feel that you would like to represent the interests of doctoral students in your faculty or the Senate, please contact your representation (for information) or fill in the form directly (between April 3 and April 23, 2024). Further information on the procedure can be found on the website of the election committee.
The active PhD representatives – have set themselves the final task of making this election a success. This means that at least two people from each of MLU’s nine faculties will stand for election so that each faculty is represented in the respective council meetings as well as in the doctoral student council.
More at the website of the PhD representatives.
Doctorate at MLU, News from MLU | No Comments