MLU became a member of the Research, International and Transfer Information Service (FIT) on March 1, 2025. This service will make it even easier for you to receive information about new funding programs, calls for proposals and events related to your scientific field via an e-mail newsletter.
FIT is administered by the University of Kassel and is an e-mail service that provides researchers with targeted and tailored information on research funding. The information is fed from the FIT database, where you have from now on the opportunity to register for a free subscription with your @(domain) e-mail address and set up an individual user profile. There you can specify the research areas, types of funding and funding institutions such as DFG, BMBF and other federal ministries, EU, DAAD and AvH about which you would like to receive information. On this basis, you will then receive an e-mail on one or more days of the week, which you can select yourself, with the latest funding information that is important for you. You can search for further information in the FIT database at any time.
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