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All posts tagged ‘workshop‘

13. Dec 2023

Successful Networking for Personal Branding (March 6, 2024)

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As a scientist, your reputation is your personal brand. You’re going to have one whether you choose to influence it in a particular direction or not. How others perceive you stems largely in part from your research results, your behaviors, and your overall actions. Just as in the business world, your personal brand is what […]

12. Dec 2023

Push Your Career in Germany’s Industry (2) – Salary, Interview, Work Permit and Culture (February 8, 15, 22, 29, 2024 | online)

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Leaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. This intensive course enables you to go through a quickly and successful job search process. It consists of live webinars and self-learning videos. Content The seminar provides knowledge on: Determination of salaries Preparation and phases of interviews Answering […]

11. Dec 2023

Push Your Career in Germany’s Industry (1) – Job Search and Application (January 18 and 25, February 1, 2024 | online)

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Leaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. This intensive course enables you to go through a quickly and successful job search process. It consists of live webinars and self-learning videos. Content The seminar provides knowledge on: Ideas for possible positions Active and passive job search […]

10. Nov 2023

[PlantBioChem] NMR in Depth (Nov/Dec 2023)

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There are free slots for the following Doctoral Training Course (DoCou) organised by Leibniz Research School PlantBioChem at Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB) Halle. title: NMR in Depth Session 1: Friday, 17.11.2023, 13:00-15:00Kurt-Mothes Lecture Hall at IPB Session 2: Friday, 24.11.2023, 13:00-15:00Kurt-Mothes Lecture Hall at IPB Session 3: Friday, 8.12.2023, 13:00-15:00Kurt-Mothes Lecture Hall at IPB Session 4: Friday, 15.12.2023, 13:30-15:30Benno-Parthier Seminar Room at IPB […]

11. Oct 2023

Mental Health Awareness Days 2023 – Improving your resilience during the early career phases (November 1-3, 2023)

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Mental Health Awareness Days 2023 for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers – Improving your resilience during the early career phases are a joint initiative of Leipzig University, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, yDiv/iDiv and HIGRADE/UFZ. Organized by its graduate academies and occupational health management units, we want to support you as researchers at […]

5. Oct 2023

Collegial Counselling – Kollegiale Beratung (November 2, 2023)

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This workshop is part of the Mental Health Awareness Days 2023 a joint initiative of Leipzig University, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, yDiv/iDiv and HIGRADE/UFZ. Organized by its graduate academies and occupational health management units, we want to support you as researchers at our universities and research institutions. Experience the effective power […]

22. Aug 2023

Mastering the Art of Engaging and Convincing Chalk Talk (November 27, 2023)

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Graphic representations are a great way to communicate complex research topics in an understandable and lively way. They convey clarity and provide a quick overview and are therefore extremely helpful both for the elaboration and the presentation of complex content and ideas. In this seminar you will learn best-practice techniques that you can use on […]

22. Aug 2023

What the heck is tenure track? (November 23, 2023| online)

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In the German academic system, Tenure Track is a relatively new concept. With a tenure track position, one gets the opportunity to immediately transition to a permanent position when successfully completing the probationary period (known as the tenure track phase). The majority of tenure track positions comes along with a professorship; less common and known […]

22. Aug 2023

Academic Writing: Producing an Academic Paper in the Social Sciences and Humanities (November 16-17, 2023)

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This workshop addresses junior scholars from the social sciences and the humanities who are currently working on an English-language article for publication or are planning to publish an article in an English-language journal in the future. The goal is to provide an understanding of the general structure and “choreography” of academic publications and hands-on assistance […]

22. Aug 2023

Good Scientific Practice and Negotiation

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The workshop combines Good Scientific Practice (Part 1) with Negotiation (Part 2). During your doctoral studies you will come into contact with other scientists and collaborate with them. Here negotiation skills can be helpful. This may even prevent potential conflicts with your supervisor.

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