we would like to thank you for continuing efforts during your research studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in 2024.
Your research results contribute to the good scientific reputation of our university in Germany and world-wide. Please find some examples of research of doctoral students in the doctoral student’s profiles.
We wish you a merry holiday season and all the best for the New Year 2025.
Here you find an overview of workshops of InGrA and HR department Ref 3.2 in 2025. These workshop are shaped to the needs of doctoral students and postdocs at MLU. Workshop language of InGrA and Ref 3.2 is English and German, respectively. InGrA workshops are designed for all doctoral students independent of their mother tongue. With English workshops most of scientists in an early career phase can be addressed. Please feel free to choose the workshops you are comfortable with and follow the links for further details and registration.
“Scientific integrity forms the basis of trustworthy research,” states the preamble to the DFG’s Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice.
In his interactive workshop, Dr. Michael Schöner will address what scientific integrity or scientific misconduct means in this context and show that there are gray areas between the two extremes, using the most common problems in questions of authorship, research data management (also related to diversity and gender variables) and supervision.
Leaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. This intensive course enables you to go through a quickly and successful job search process. It consists of live webinars and self-learning videos.
The seminar provides knowledge on:
Determination of salaries
Preparation and phases of interviews
Salary negotiation procedure
Typical working conditions for academic job starters
Leaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. This intensive course enables you to go through a quickly and successful job search process. It consists of live webinars and self-learning videos.
Leipzig University organizes a lecture series on career and everyday life in academia of postdocs. This time the topic is
Science communication for researchers
Science communication is becoming an increasingly important task for researchers and one that is linked to growing expectations. In this Lunch Lecture, we will talk about how scientists can fill this area of responsibility with life and how the University Communication Office supports them in doing so.
The “Lunch Lectures” are an online mini-series of inputs from Academic Staff Development, which take place monthly from 12:30 to 13:30. Afterwards, the room remains open for further exchange and networking until 14:15. Please register for the individual events.
The Klaus Tschira foundation is looking for researchers who would like to explain to a non-scientific audience what research they have done. This should be done in form of a generally understandable article or infographic.
Doctoral candidates from the fields of biology, chemistry, geosciences, computer science, mathematics, neuroscience and physics submit their text contributions or infographics for the next KlarText round until February 28, 2025. Applications are also welcome from scientists from other disciplines who can assign their topic to one of the seven areas.
The winners can look forward to 7500 euros each. In addition, their contributions will be published in our knowledge magazine “KlarText”.
who have defended an excellent dissertation of particular social significance in 2024. With three top prizes of 25,000 euros each, it is one of the most highly endowed German prizes for young researchers. The closing date for the current call for entries is March 1, 2025.
The Körber Foundation wants to encourage scientists to confidently represent the social value of their research and contribute to the public debate. With the “Deutscher Studienpreis“, the foundation therefore honors doctoral students who have presented tangible results that are of outstanding interest to society. The patron of the award is Bärbel Bas, President of the German Bundestag.
All information on how to participate can be found here (in German).
Welche Fördermöglichkeiten bietet die DFG Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern im Anschluss an die Promotion? Wir geben Ihnen einen Überblick über die DFG-Förderinstrumente von der Promotion zur Professur: Mitarbeit in Projekten, Sachbeihilfe mit Eigener Stelle, Walter Benjamin-, Emmy Noether- und Heisenberg-Programm. Das Ganze wird ergänzt durch Tipps zur Vorbereitung eines Antrags.
Quelle: DFG
Interessierte Promovierende und Postdocs aller Fachgebiete sind zur Teilnahme eingeladen. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch statt.
Wann: am 09. Dezember 2024, 10:30-12:00 Uhr
Wo: online Die Zugangsdaten werden am Tag der Veranstaltung hier veröffentlicht.
Prospects: Vortragsreihe zum DFG-Förderangebot für wissenschaftliche Karrieren
In dieser Vortragsreihe stellt die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) über das Jahr verteilt das DFG-Förderportfolio für Wissenschaftler*innen in frühen Karrierephasen vor:
Von einem ersten Überblick über die zentralen Förderangebote für Postdocs bis zu einzelnen Programmen der Personenförderung wie Walter Benjamin-, Emmy Noether- und Heisenberg-Programm, abwechselnd auf Deutsch und Englisch. Interessierte Promovierende und Postdocs aller Fachgebiete sind zur Teilnahme eingeladen.
🚀 Entfache deinen Unternehmergeist! 🌟 Du möchtest deine eigenen Ideen in die Tat umsetzen? Du träumst davon, ein eigenes Unternehmen zu gründen und deine Visionen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen? Komm zu unserer Gründungswoche 2024. Diese Woche steht ganz im Zeichen der Innovation, des Unternehmertums und der Chancen, die sich in der Welt der Gründung für dich eröffnen.