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Month Archive for May 2020

20. May 2020

Presentation and Rhetorics (June 23 & July 2, 2020 | online)

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Topics Effective introduction for scientific lectures Parameters of nonverbal communication: Effective gestures, dominant body language and self-confident appearance The power of the voice: Intonation and speech form Flexible use of rhetorical means and optimization of expression confident handling of disturbances, critical questions and mishaps: Strategies and response formulas How to generate attention and create a […]

19. May 2020

Clear at glance! Designing Effective Academic Posters (June 16 & 22, 2020 | online)

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Due to the Corona-Crisis the following workshop was transferred into an online-seminar and simulates the traditional physical event as closely as possible. The seminar is streamed via Zoom and contains online and offline parts. Starting Point Poster sessions are an integral part of almost every scientific conference. Their purpose is to highlight research results, visualise […]

18. May 2020

How to write a persuasive job application (July 6, 2020 | online)

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For many scientists, writing job applications tends to be quite difficult, especially for jobs beyond the academic system. In fact, misapprehensions and mistakes in the application dossier often prevent them from securing jobs they are perfectly suited for. This workshop will help you write a convincing application.

18. May 2020

Know your competencies – find your job: job search for scientists (June 22-23, 2020 | online)

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A cooperation of InGrA and PhD network. Scientists have lots of job options, but are often not aware of them. This workshop will support you to see more them on the German labour market. You will learn to go the different steps of job search: to be aware of your competencies, skills and knowledge and to […]

15. May 2020

Webinar coaching for young entrepreneurs in science

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11. May 2020

Webinar: Publish or perish!? Wissenschaftliches Publizieren für Promovierende

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Neben allgemeinen Aspekten des konventionellen wie auch des Open Access-Veröffentlichens sollen u.a. Strategien zur Akquise von Druckkostenzuschüssen, zur Gestaltung von Verlagsverträgen, zur Klärung von Bildrechten sowie zum Management von Forschungsdaten thematisiert werden.

11. May 2020

Survey on knowledge and technology transfer at MLU

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The survey is conducted by MLU’s Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office, on behalf of the Vice Rector for Research. The results will be incorporated into a self-evaluation report on knowledge and technology transfer, which the university is compiling as part of a so-called “Transfer-Audit” by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft. Link to survey

11. May 2020

“Zielsicher”: New issue of “scientia halensis” is out now

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Treating diseases precisely and in a more tolerable way: The development of new drugs and improved drug transport are the focus of the new issue of the scientific magazine “scientia halensis” of MLU. For the first time the magazine is published on recycled paper. The print version is available at the Tourist Information in the […]

11. May 2020

Mouth and nose protector with MLU optics

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From today, May 11, the university shop in the Halleschen Marktschlösschen is selling masks in five different colours for 5.95 euros per piece. 2 cost 10 euros. The reusable sporty mouth-and-nose protection can be washed at high temperatures and is produced in Halle.

11. May 2020

Uni Halle direkt: In conversation with Rector Prof. Dr. Tietje and Chancellor Markus Leber

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What changes and perspectives have resulted for the university from the 5th regulation of the country to contain Covid-19 and the decree of the Ministry of Science? Rector Prof. Dr. Christian Tietje and Chancellor Markus Leber answered many questions on the current status in the livestream format “Uni Halle direkt”. (in German) Link to YouTube […]

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