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11. Dec 2023

Overview of workshops 2024

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Here you find an overview of workshops of InGrA and HR department Ref 3.2 in 2024. These workshop are shaped to the needs of doctoral students and postdocs at MLU. Workshop language of InGrA and Ref 3.2 is English and German, respectively. InGrA workshops are designed for all doctoral students independent of their mother tongue. With English workshops most of scientists in an early career phase can be addressed. Please feel free to choose the workshops you are comfortable with and follow the links for further details and registration.








  • Stimm-Coaching für Lehrende (August 21, 2024) [hosted by Ref 3.2]



  • Personalführung in der Wissenschaft: Führungswissen kompakt (Teil 1) (October 16, 2024) [hosted by Ref 3.2]
  • What the heck is tenure-track? (October 17, 2024 | online)
  • Good Scientific Practice and Negotiation (October 22 & 23, 2024)


  • So finden Sie den passenden Job: Stellensuche auf dem außerakademischen Arbeitsmarkt (November 19, 2024) [hosted by Ref 3.2]
  • Patents, trademarks, and inventions – a glimpse into intellectual property rights (November 21, 2024 | joint online workshop of InGrA and HR department Ref 3.2)
  • Erfolgreiche Wissenschaftskommunikation (November 25, 2024) [hosted by Ref 3.2]
  • Mental Health Awareness Days (November 27-29, 2024 | online)

Detailed information on workshops of InGrA, university’s staff development department and faculty-specific workshops by structured doctoral programs can be found at Workshops 2024.

Über Thomas Michael

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