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Month Archive for June 2024

28. Jun 2024

Doctoral student wins Giuseppe Alberigo Award 2024

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Giovanni Tortoriello from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has won the Giuseppe Alberigo Junior Award 2024 with his doctoral thesis on “Scala Christus est. Reassessing the Historical Context of Martin Luther’s Theology of the Cross, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2023 (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation, Band 135)”. (see European Academy of Religon) Dr. Giovanni Tortoriello did his doctorate under […]

26. Jun 2024

Doctoral student wins Kantorowitsch dissertation award

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Michael Seifert from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has won the Kantorowitsch PhD Award with his doctoral thesis on “HYBRID CLOUD SHARE of Risk (HySOR). Eine risikosensitive Entscheidungsunterstützung für Service Level Agreement-basierte, hybride Cloud-Architektur”. (see Campus Halensis) The award is conferred by des Instituts für Unternehmensforschung und Unternehmensführung (ifu) at MLU annually since 2000. Dr. Michael […]

25. Jun 2024

Academic Writing for Natural Scientists (September 23 and October 15, 2024)

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Aim and Content The interactive workshop aims at improving non-native English speakers’ skills in writing scientific texts in English and to permanently upgrade the linguistic quality of their English writing. Participants will be equipped with a textbook written by the trainer that covers all the features introduced during the sessions, they will have ample opportunity to […]

25. Jun 2024

Introduction to meta-analysis (September 02, 05, 09 and 13, 2024)

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Content Meta-analysis denotes the quantitative aggregation (research synthesis) across multiple scientific studies. This course aims at understanding and applying the core concepts and the workflow to conduct a meta-analysis. It is structured along a working example to learn and perform the different steps of a standard meta-analysis: hypothesis formulation, literature search, data extraction, statistical analysis, […]

14. Jun 2024

Doctoral student from MLU wins VAAM dissertation award

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Michelle Kammel from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg has won the VAAM PhD Award with her doctoral thesis on “Klassischer Ionen-Kanal oder Transporter? – Mechanistische Studien zeigen das Hybrid-Verhalten des Formiat-Kanals FocA”. The award is conferred by the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM). Outstanding microbiological doctoral theses are awarded with the VAAM PhD Awards each year […]

14. Jun 2024

[IO] Scholarship for particularly committed international doctoral candidates (2024/25)

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The International Office of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg is awarding scholarships in the winter semester 2024 (funding period September 2024 to January 2025), financed by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA). The scholarships are aimed at international doctoral candidates at MLU Halle-Wittenberg who distinguish themselves through their special commitment in an international context […]

13. Jun 2024

AI search tools during the doctorate

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Perplexity AI:  “is an AI chatbot-powered research and conversational search engine that answers queries using natural language predictive text. Launched in 2022, Perplexity generates answers using sources from the web and cites links within the text response” (from wikipedia) ResearchRabbit “is a scholarly publication discovery tool supported by artificial intelligence (AI). It was developed in 2021 by a team of three […]

12. Jun 2024

[Institut français Berlin] 9. deutsch-französischer Tag der Nachwuchsforschenden (05. Juli 2024)

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Die Abteilung für Wissenschaft und Technologie der Französischen Botschaft in Berlin, Campus France Deutschland und die Deutsch-Französische Hochschule laden Sie am Freitag, den 5. Juli 2024 ab 16 Uhr im Institut français Berlin ein, am  9. Deutsch-Französischen Tag der Nachwuchsforschenden (link) teilzunehmen.   Die Einladung richtet sich an Masterstudierende, die eine Promotion anstreben, Promovierende und Postdoc. Es werden Vorträge über deutsch-französische Promotionsmöglichkeiten, kurze Forschungsaufenthalte in […]

10. Jun 2024

[BEAM] Scientific mini stories

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Please check the latest videos on scientific stories by doctoral students in the natural sciences. They give a brief insight into the everyday life of doctoral students. The videos have been published by the research training group “BEAM (RTG 2670): Self-Organization of Soft Matter via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions”.

6. Jun 2024

DFG Funding Opportunities: Emmy Noether-Programm (June 13, 2024 | online)

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This online talk focuses on the Emmy Noether-Programm of the DFG. Further details and the dial in link can be found at Info Talks on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers. Date: June 13, 2024 Time: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. CET Language: German Please note: You can access the event via the link above without […]

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