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26. Sep 2024

[IAMO GS] Publishing Journal Articles: Strategies for Success (October 16, 2024)

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There are free slots in a workshop organised by the IAMO Graduate School.

This workshop discusses how to navigate the different steps of publishing and how to deal with the peer review process, increasing the chances of acceptance.

Course content

  • Introduction to scholarly publishing
  • How to select a target journal
  • H-index, impact factor, and other journal and article metrics
  • The peer review system: submitting, revising, and re-submitting
  • How to effectively communicate with editors and reviewers
  • Copyright and licenses
  • Ethical issues in publishing (e.g., predatory publishing, authorship disputes, plagiarism)
  • Open Access and Open Science
  • Artificial Intelligence in scholarly publishing


This workshop encompasses input presentations provided by the trainer, individual learning phases, and group exercises. In addition, handouts, checklists, sample articles, and examples of cover letters from the trainer’s experience in publishing articles will be provided.

Terms & application

Über Thomas Michael

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