Goal How to find a job in the public / private sector in English – The Complete Package Agenda What are your hard strengths and soft strengths and when are they relevant in the job application process? How can you write a good covering letter? Techniques, theory and practice Here you will have the opportunity […]
Lilly Teresa Kube
All posts by Lilly Teresa Kube
5. Mar 2024
English Academic Writing: The Ground Rules of Writing Well (April 25, 26 and 29, 2024)
This workshop addresses junior scholars from the social sciences, economics, and the humanities who have good command of the English language, seek to improve their English writing skills, and strive to make their academic papers more idiomatic. The workshop seeks to create an awareness of the typical patterns of non-idiomatic writing to which non-native authors […]
5. Feb 2024
Clear at glance – Designing Effective Academic Posters (April 9, 2024)
Poster sessions are an integral part of almost every scientific conference. Their purpose is to highlight research results, visualize them, and stimulate discussion. To draw your audience in, you need a crystal-clear message, a text format optimized for best legibility and well-chosen graphics. And above all, you need to think well through how to organize, arrange […]
15. Jan 2024
Introduction to Statistics and R (March 11-12 and 18-19, 2024)
Content R has become a leading statistical programming language in data science and statistics. The R software is free, highly extensible, and allows to easily produce publication-quality plots. The aim of this course is to equip participants with the basic skills to effectively use the software R, embedded in the user interface RStudio. These skills […]
15. Dec 2023
Good Scientific Practice (February 21 and 26, 2024 | online)
“Scientific integrity forms the basis of trustworthy research,” states the preamble to the DFG’s Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice. In his interactive workshop, Dr. Michael Schöner will address what scientific integrity or scientific misconduct means in this context and show that there are gray areas between the two extremes, using the most common problems […]
13. Dec 2023
Successful Networking for Personal Branding (March 6, 2024)
As a scientist, your reputation is your personal brand. You’re going to have one whether you choose to influence it in a particular direction or not. How others perceive you stems largely in part from your research results, your behaviors, and your overall actions. Just as in the business world, your personal brand is what […]
12. Dec 2023
Push Your Career in Germany’s Industry (2) – Salary, Interview, Work Permit and Culture (February 8, 15, 22, 29, 2024 | online)
Leaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. This intensive course enables you to go through a quickly and successful job search process. It consists of live webinars and self-learning videos. Content The seminar provides knowledge on: Determination of salaries Preparation and phases of interviews Answering […]
11. Dec 2023
Push Your Career in Germany’s Industry (1) – Job Search and Application (January 18 and 25, February 1, 2024 | online)
Leaving academia and looking for a job in the industry is an important and sometimes difficult step. This intensive course enables you to go through a quickly and successful job search process. It consists of live webinars and self-learning videos. Content The seminar provides knowledge on: Ideas for possible positions Active and passive job search […]
22. Aug 2023
Mastering the Art of Engaging and Convincing Chalk Talk (November 27, 2023)
Graphic representations are a great way to communicate complex research topics in an understandable and lively way. They convey clarity and provide a quick overview and are therefore extremely helpful both for the elaboration and the presentation of complex content and ideas. In this seminar you will learn best-practice techniques that you can use on […]
22. Aug 2023
What the heck is tenure track? (November 23, 2023| online)
In the German academic system, Tenure Track is a relatively new concept. With a tenure track position, one gets the opportunity to immediately transition to a permanent position when successfully completing the probationary period (known as the tenure track phase). The majority of tenure track positions comes along with a professorship; less common and known […]