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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

8. Aug 2022

Intelligent living in old age

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The hot stove, the forgotten pill: How can modern technologies make life easier for older people at home without overburdening them with technology and without patronizing them? A project of business informatics specialists and multimedia designers is developing new ideas for this. Find out more about this project of one of MLU’s doctoral students at […]

18. Jul 2022

“The Art of English Academic Writing” for Natural Scientists (September 13 and 28, 2022)

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Aim and Content The workshop aims at improving non-native English speakers’ academic writing skills by highlighting typical features and composing elements commonly applied and expected by native speakers of English. Participants will be equipped with a textbook written by the trainer that covers all the features introduced during the sessions, they will have ample opportunity […]

5. Jul 2022

[TU Freiberg] Future Workshop KlinGas – (August / September 2022 | online)

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Your expertise is needed! Have you wanted to take action against climate change for a long time? Then get involved! What does “Future Workshop KlinGas – Climate Neutral Natural Gas Substitution” mean? Young scientists from the three regionally networked “coal states” Brandenburg, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt are invited to contribute their expertise to this transdisciplinary discussion […]

4. Jul 2022

DFG Funding Opportunities for Postdocs (July 5, 2022)

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You will get a quick overview about the Walter Benjamin, the Emmy Noether and the Heisenberg Programme, as well as the Individual Research Grant with a temporary position for principal investigators. The lecturer will also provide advice on how to prepare your proposal and what happens once you submit it to the DFG. PhD candidates […]

29. Jun 2022

Individual Development Plan (IDP) and myIDP

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You have put a lot of time and effort into pursuing your PhD degree.  Now it’s time to focus on how to leverage your expertise into a satisfying and productive career.  The Individual Development Plan (IDP) concept is commonly used in industry to help employees define and pursue their career goals.  In 2003, the Federation of American Societies […]

15. Jun 2022

Doctoral students representation elected at MLU

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Update: Juliane Friedrichs has been elected as the doctoral students representative and Constanze Wandt-Ptasczynski as the deputy at the Akademischer Senat. Congratulations! This year, the doctoral students representatives in all faculties have been elected for the first time. The election period is 01.09.22-31.08.24. Please find below an overview of all representatives.

8. Jun 2022

Online-event „Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Programme” (June 23, 2022)

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The EU-Academic Network Saxony-Anhalt would like to invite you to the online-event Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Actions (MSCA) on the 23rd of June (2pm-5pm). Speakers from the National Contact Point (NCP) MSC will present „Postdoctoral Fellowships“ in English and „Doctoral Networks“ in German language, added by examples of best practices of successful applicants: 14:00-15:15: MSCA – Postdoctoral Fellowships: Funding opportunities of research projects of experienced […]

7. Jun 2022

Career paths of academics

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The newly released website Wissen Schafft Karriere (in German) provides a general overview of career paths in science as well as specific opportunities for a career at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU). So what does a career in science at MLU look like? A doctorate is often the beginning of an academic career towards a […]

3. Jun 2022

[FH Kiel] Career paths of women towards FH/HAW professorships (June 24, 2022 | online)

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Female professors and equal opportunities officers of the universities of applied sciences in Schleswig-Holstein cordially invite female professional practitioners, postdocs, doctoral candidates and other interested parties to an open exchange about the job description, hiring requirements and paths to a professorship. Terms and registration

31. May 2022

[BEAM] Voice and Body (June 14-15, 2022)

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There are free slots at this workshop organised by research training group “BEAM (RTG 2670): Self-Organization of Soft Matter via Multiple Noncovalent Interactions”. Integral to voice and body training is the central idea that physical and vocal dynamics are connected to the speaker’s motivation and to the importance of the information being communicated. The trainer […]

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