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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

3. Dec 2019

iRTG Polymers: random coils and beyond – vacant slots

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3. Dec 2019

Young Entrepreneurs in Science | Workshop in Leipzig

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The four-day workshop series combines practical and interactive elements with knowledge of specific tools and methods to expose participants to new perspectives on their own career and development. Participants are encouraged to recognise and draw on their existing skills and potential. This approach aims to increase the chances of success for start-ups emerging from the […]

27. Nov 2019

integrated Research Training Group “Ultrafast Spin Dynamics”

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Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Wolf Widdra, coordinator: Dr. Britta Anstötzfunding period 2018-2025 by DFG The iRTG offers a structured qualification program in scientific and key skills to all PhD students financed and associated to the CRC/TRR. Research focuses on Ultrafast Dynamics of Magnetic Order and Ultrafast Spin Currents. Its training is divided into research training in […]

27. Nov 2019

International Research Training Group TreeDì

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Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Helge Bruelheide, coordinator: Dr. Stefan Trogischfunding since 2018 by DFG and UCAS Biodiversity-Ecosystem-Functioning (BEF) research in forests has become a vibrant field of research in the last decade. The aim of TreeDì – 林地 (lín dì, forest land) is to understand how tree-tree interactions in local neighbourhoods of varying diversity translate into […]

21. Nov 2019

Rhetorik kompakt (December 2-3, 2019)

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Rhetorische Grundkenntnisse sowie Erfahrungen in Vortragssituationen sind im Berufsalltag – vor allem in Führungspositionen – unabdingbar. Promovierende haben in der Regel im späteren Leben eine leitende Stellung. Ob im Vortrag, im Teammeeting oder in Gesprächen mit den Mitarbeitern – rhetorische Fähigkeiten bringen hier klare Vorteile. Die TeilnehmerInnen werden zunächst mit den Grundlagen der Rhetorik vertraut […]

1. Nov 2019

Blog under construction

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Welcome to the blog of the International Graduate Academy (InGrA) of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. The blog is under construction.

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