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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

8. Dec 2023

WZGE-Frühjahrsakademie „Digitalisierung, Ethik und Wirtschaft” (4.-6. März 2024)

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Das Doktorandenkolleg „Ethik und gute Unternehmensführung“ organisiert vom 4.-6. März eine Frühjahrsakademie in Wittenberg. Kurzbeschreibung Du hast Lust mit Expert*innen zu erkunden, welche Auswirkungen die Digitalisierung auf Werte wie Menschenwürde, Solidarität und Gerechtigkeit hat und wie diese verwirklicht werden können? Du interessierst dich dafür, wie führende Unternehmen diese Fragen angehen, wie z.B. Mercedes-Benz diese Werte in […]

8. Dec 2023

What supervisors want / Was Betreuende erwarten

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The relationship between doctoral researchers and their supervisors influences the pathway and success of a doctoral project and is a crucial factor for the start of an academic career (Ives & Rowley 2007). It is thus all the more important that both parties deal with the perspective, expectations and needs of the other side. With the project […]

5. Dec 2023

DFG Funding Opportunities: for Scientific Careers (December 12, 2023 | online)

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This online talk focuses on DFG Funding Opportunities for Scientific Careers. Further details and the dial in link can be found at Info Talks on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers. Date: December 12, 2023 Time: 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. CET Language: German Please note: You can access the event via the link above without […]

20. Nov 2023

[TU Berlin] DFG project ”Functions and consequences of unemployment in researcher’s careers“

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A research group at TU Berlin is currently conducting a DFG-funded research project on unemployment in academic careers.  What the group want to find out is how and whether researchers continue to do research during the time when they are not paid for it, and to what extent continuing to work (or not continuing to […]

14. Nov 2023

[A6] DFG Individual funding programmes for Postdocs (November 15, 2023)

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Department 6 – Research, Transfer and Third Party Funding Service offers the following information event on funding opportunities. Content The information event provides a short overview of the DFG individual funding programmes for the postdoc-phase. The funding requirements and conditions of the Walter Benjamin Programme, the Emmy Noether Programme and the Research Grant with Module […]

10. Nov 2023

[PlantBioChem] NMR in Depth (Nov/Dec 2023)

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There are free slots for the following Doctoral Training Course (DoCou) organised by Leibniz Research School PlantBioChem at Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB) Halle. title: NMR in Depth Session 1: Friday, 17.11.2023, 13:00-15:00Kurt-Mothes Lecture Hall at IPB Session 2: Friday, 24.11.2023, 13:00-15:00Kurt-Mothes Lecture Hall at IPB Session 3: Friday, 8.12.2023, 13:00-15:00Kurt-Mothes Lecture Hall at IPB Session 4: Friday, 15.12.2023, 13:30-15:30Benno-Parthier Seminar Room at IPB […]

10. Nov 2023

Promoting talent – Scholarships for doctoral students

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The Heinrich Böll Foundation is the Green political foundation. Under the heading “promoting talent”, every year the foundation supports around 1,200 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students – from all subjects and types of higher educational institutions in Germany and abroad – who affirm the goals of the Green project. Each year, up to 250 new […]

8. Nov 2023

Second funding period of two Research Training Groups approved

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Congratulations! The German Research Foundation (DFG) is once again funding two Research Training Groups (RTGs) at MLU with around four million euros each. This will enable the successful training of doctoral students in the fields of plant research and protein research to be continued and expanded. The Research Training Group “Communication and Dynamics of Plant […]

7. Nov 2023

Networking-Event Startup FOCUS PITCH & CONNECT (November 13, 2023)

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As part of the Entrepreneurship Week at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, the Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office, in cooperation with Univations GmbH and with the kind support of Stadtwerke Halle GmbH, is hosting the pitch and networking event “Startup FOCUS PITCH & CONNECT”. On Monday, 13.11.2023, the doors of Volkspark Halle (Schleifweg 8a, 06114 Halle (Saale)) […]

7. Nov 2023

Call for scientists in search of media training in 2024

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The SILBERSALZ Institute’s year-long program is designed for scientists who would like to collaborate with artists to develop new cultural projects that broaden the public perception of science and bring scientific research into mainstream media. Scientists from all fields, currently conducting research linked to European institutions who are interested in collaborating with artists and media professionals […]

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