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Thomas Michael

All posts by Thomas Michael

24. Jul 2023

Research Training Group: Intrinsically Disordered Proteins – Molecular Principles, Cellular Functions, and Diseases (GRK 2467)

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Andrea Sinz, coordinators: Dr. Oleksandr Sorokin, Claudia Spielmann (funding 2019-2028) About the doctoral program Approximately 40% of amino acid sequences in higher eukaryotes are predicted to be intrinsically disordered (intrinsically disordered proteins, IDPs and intrinsically disordered regions, IDRs) lacking defined structural elements. Many of these flexible proteins and protein regions remain understudied. […]

24. Jul 2023

Structured doctoral program “Leibniz Research School PlantBioChem”

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Steffen Abel (IPB), coordinator: Dr. Antje Hellmuth All academic departments and independent research groups at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB) regularly offer opportunities for pursuing exciting dissertation research toward a doctoral degree on ambitious and modern topics of plant-related biochemistry and natural products chemistry. The excellent research infrastructure at the IPB, its state-of-the-art […]

24. Jul 2023

yDiv – Graduate School and Postdoc Programme of iDiv

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Robert Paxton, coordinator: Dr. Nicole Sachmerda-Schulz (funding 2012-2024) Biodiversity refers to the diversity of life – not only species diversity but also genetic diversity, diversity of functions, interactions and ecosystems. Human actions dramatically change this diversity: species become extinct, genetic information and entire ecosystems are lost. At the same time, we know […]

24. Jul 2023

Research Training Group “Subject-Specific Learning and Interaction in Elementary School” (GRK 2731)

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Georg Breidenstein, coordinator: Dr. Johanna Leicht (funding 2022-2026) About the doctoral program The work of the Graduate School focuses on investigating the social practice of elementary school teaching and the question of the qualities of subject-specific learning. The Graduate School’s research approach is different in that it systematically links different traditions of […]

24. Jul 2023

IMPRS “Global Multiplicity: A Social Anthropology for the Now”

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ursula Rao, coordinator: Dr. Patrick Desplat (funding 2023-2029) The topics of the research school respond to the current challenges faced by people around the world: climate change, environmental destruction, and species extinction; health crises; social inequality and the legacies of colonial rule; geopolitical tensions, nationalism, wars and civil wars. The vehemence and […]

24. Jul 2023

Research Training Group “Inflammatory cues as modulators of early pancreatic carcinogenesis (InCuPanC)” (GRK 2751)

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spokesperson: Prof. Dr. med. Jonas Rosendahl, coordinator: Sina Krehahn (admin.) (funding 2022-2026) Chronic inflammation is an important risk factor for numerous malignancies including pancreatic cancer. In established pancreatic tumors, the impact of the inflammatory tumor microenvironment has been extensively studied during recent years. However, knowledge about the molecular circuits triggering inflammation-induced early pancreatic carcinogenesis is still […]

3. Jul 2023

[Ref 6.1] ERC Grants (10. Juli 2023)

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Referat 6.1 – Forschungsförderung und -kooperation bietet die folgende Informationsveranstaltung zu Fördermöglichkeiten an. Beschreibung Im Juli 2023 soll das Arbeitsprogramm für ERC Grants für 2024 erscheinen. In dieser Veranstaltung werden die Förderlinien der ERC-Förderung vorgestellt. Zielgruppe sind Postdocs, Professorinnen und Professoren der MLU mit Ideen für riskante, bahnbrechende Pionierforschung. Termin: Montag, 10. Juli 2023, 13.00 […]

30. Jun 2023

Integrated Research Training Group “Polymers: random coils and beyond”

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Spokesman: Prof. Dr. Kay Saalwächter, coordinator: Dr. Ann-Kristin Fliegerfunding period 2011-2023 by DFG at Faculty of Natural Sciences II The graduate program provides in-depth training in interdisciplinary soft matter research, including the design and preparation of specific materials. A thorough understanding of the basic principles of chemistry, physics and engineering of polymers and soft matter […]

26. Jun 2023

[Ref 6.1] MSCA Doctoral Networks (3. Juli 2023)

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Referat 6.1 – Forschungsförderung und -kooperation bietet die folgende Informationsveranstaltung zu Fördermöglichkeiten an. Beschreibung Das Referat 6.1 – Forschungsförderung stellt die Förderlinie MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN) des EU-Forschungsrahmenprogramms Horizon Europe vor. Gefördert werden transnationale Doktorandenprogramme mit einer Laufzeit bis zu 4 Jahren und mit unterschiedlichen Einrichtungen aus den akademischen und nicht-akademischen Bereichen. An der Teilnahme […]

7. Jun 2023

[Open Science Team] Research Data Management Workshop (June 13-14, 2023 | online)

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In collaboration with the ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences and the Data Integration Centre at the University Hospital in Halle, the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt offers a workshop on Research Data Management (RDM) in the (Bio)Medical Sciences. This event is pitched towards (bio-)medical researchers and researchers in other natural science […]

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