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Doctorate in Germany

19. Apr 2022

[UL] Podcast “Wir wir promovieren”

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Research Academy Leipzig has released the third episode “Wie wir mit Kind promovieren” of its podcast “Wir wir promovieren” (“How we do our doctorate”). Two doctoral researchers from Leipzig University talk about their experiences on a topic relevant to their doctorate.
Until now, all episodes are in German. However, non-German-speakers are very much encouraged to participate.

9. Feb 2022

[IAMO/IPB GS] Successfully shaping the doctoral phase (February-April 2022 | online)

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There are free slots in this workshop series organised by the IAMO Graduate School and Leibniz Research School PlantBioChem at IPB.

A productive and professional supervision relationship makes a decisive contribution to the success of the doctorate. The workshop series aims to empower supervisors and doctoral researchers in establishing a fruitful supervision relationship. Considering the specific needs and tasks of supervisors and doctoral researchers, the workshop series has a two-track approach:

The Track for Doctoral Researchers aims to support doctoral researchers to manage their doctoral project and the challenges of the academic world successfully as well as to contribute their share to a successful supervision relationship. This track explores topics like productivity and provides tools to structure the day in a way that it aids concentration and focus; it provides strategies for managing well-being in research; it helps to identify procrastination loops and drivers of motivation; it discusses how to interpret feedback, to manage expectations, or to navigate different types of supervisors.

Workshop: Rethinking productivity (February 24, 2022)

Thursday, 24.02.2022 | 10.30 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. | Online

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20. Dec 2021

[nature] Managing up: how to communicate effectively with your PhD adviser

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Your supervisor has a vested interest in your success. Set the right tone and communication style when you meet with them.

Read more at nature, CAREER COLUMN (10 December 2021)

1. Dec 2021

Duration and completion of doctoral studies under DFG Coordinated Programmes

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The DFG Infobrief (3.21) summarises quantitative analyses on the duration and completion of doctorates pursued under DFG-funded Coordinated Programmes based on two studies published by the DFG in 2021.

All in all, in DFG-funded consortia in the programmes Collaborative Research Centre, Research Training Group, Cluster of Excellence and Graduate School four out of five doctoral projects started are completed. Half of doctoral researchers complete their doctorate within 51 months. The duration of a doctorate can of course vary greatly, both from one individual to the next and within the same consortium. (Source: DFG Infobrief 3.21)

Read more

23. Nov 2021

Virtual Round Table “Doctoral students with disabilities, chronic physical or mental illnesses”

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Out of the project “PROMI – Doctorate inclusive” a virtual round table (Stammtisch) for people

  • interested in doing a doctorate,
  • doctoral candidates and
  • postdocs

with disabilities/chronic physical/psychological diseases has been created.

The round table offers space for exchange about the work in science, challenges of doctoral studies, funding opportunities, life at the university, job prospects, and other questions and topics that concern you.

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23. Nov 2021

Launch of DFG Research Integrity Incident Reporting System

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Up until now, it has been possible to submit incident reports to the DFG Head Office on research misconduct related to DFG-funded research/activities – as well as other types of misconduct – via the usual channels of e-mail, telephone, fax and the postal service.

Effective immediately, these channels will be supplemented by the DFG’s electronic Research Integrity Incident Reporting System (link) – a web-based platform that can be used via internet browsers on computers, tablets and smartphones.

(source: Information for Researchers No. 104 | 22 November 2021)

20. Sep 2021

Digital network meeting “PhD with disabilities” (October 08, 2021)

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The project “PROMI – PhD inclusive” cordially invites all PhD enthusiasts, PhD students and PhD students with disabilities/chronic physical/mental illnesses to the first open digital network meeting on October 8, 2021 from 09:00 to 13:30. The meeting will be in German.

The network meeting offers space for exchange about the challenges of doing a PhD with disabilities or chronic illnesses. It will provide insight into helpful experiences and resources, and the opportunity to network with other doctoral candidates, doctoral students, and doctoral graduates with disabilities/chronic physical/mental illnesses.

On the program:

  • Good to know – resources, places to go, and information about pursuing a doctorate with disabilities and impairments.
  • Networking and exchange opportunities
  • Discussion on typical challenges of doing a PhD (with disabilities).

Registration via the registration form on the PROMI homepage.

14. Sep 2021

Lindau Guidelines 2020 released

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The Lindau Guidelines aim for an open, cooperative science community where data and knowledge are freely shared. The goals are ambitious, and their implementation can be achieved through different methods. The goals have been discussed, amended and refined, and were released after the Online Science Days in June 2020.

10 Goals in Brief

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1. Sep 2021

[Trier University] 3rd Interdisciplinary PhD Conference (December 3, 2021)

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The 3rd Interdisciplinary PhD Conference “Pushing Boundaries“ is organised by the University Group “DocColloq“ at Trier University.

Contributions from all subject areas are welcome. Let‘s overcome the boundaries between our disciplines!

  • Friday, December 3, 2021,
  • 09.00am – 05.00pm,
  • digital conference

Call for Papers/Media Sessions 

Submission deadline: Thursday, September 30 2021

Please send

  1. an abstract of max. 400 words (German or English), as well as
  2. a brief CV


More information at:

20. Jul 2021

Zeit Campus Ratgeber Promotion

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Der ZEIT CAMPUS Ratgeber Promotion ist der Begleiter für (angehende) Promovierende auf allen Stationen der Promotion: von der Entscheidung über die Planung und Durchführung der Arbeit bis zu den letzten Nachtschichten vor der Abgabe. (von Zeit Campus)

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