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17. Mar 2021

[UL] Gender workshop series: Equal opportunities in research collaborations (May 28 – June 15, 2021)

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The SFB1423, the TRR67 and the SFB1052 mainly at Leipzig University (UL) pool gender equality measures, ideas and offers, in order to sustainably establish the common goal of promoting equal opportunities in research networks. The pooling strategy enables the organization of gender equality activities, which are directly oriented towards the needs in the collaborations, and also provides a common exchange platform. The different workshops will be combined with an opening lecture in which the personal career path of a female scientist working in the research network will be presented. The lectures and the talks are in german language.

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2. Mar 2021

9th call of Mentoring Program for Postdocs in Halle-Jena-Leipzig

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Application period extended until March 15, 2021.

How to establish a scientific profile?
How to become a successful team leader?
What makes grant applications worthy of support?
How to establish a sustainable network?
A career in academia comes along with lots of questions and challenges!

Illustration: Eva Feuchter

From June 2021 the mentoring programme for female postdoctoral researchers, provided by the universities of Halle-Wittenberg, Jena and Leipzig, offers eight places at each university for highly-qualified female postdocs, researchers undertaking a ‘habilitation’, junior scientist group leaders and junior professors, to support them in their development and future careers. Applications can be submitted up to March 15, 2021 by the associated university.

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24. Nov 2020

Calls for women’s funding 2021 at MLU

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Calls for women’s grants at MLU are online.

Current announcements:

  • Network funds for the promotion of young female researchers in 2021: female doctoral students, postdocs, post-doctoral students, post-doctoral lecturers and junior professors can apply for funding for participation in conferences and further education measures as well as for working group meetings/research stays in 2021
  • Funds for graduate assistants: Support of female post-docs in research and teaching
  • MINT tutor resources: Application for the establishment of additional MINT study programs by female students in SoSe 2021 and WS 2021/22: The costs of tutorials, workshops, working groups, etc. in MINT subjects can be subsidized if female students conduct or participate in them. Attention: There will only be one call for proposals per year. Please plan your study programs accordingly for the long term.
  • Adaptation measures maternity/family leave: for (doctoral) students, MLU supports individual adaptation measures according to §§9, 13 MuSchG during pregnancy, breastfeeding and after childbirth in case of individual or job-related restrictions. Applications can be submitted at any time.
  • UniBund Mentoring Program for Post-Docs: As an advanced post-doctoral researcher, post-doctoral lecturer, junior researcher or junior professor, you will be given the opportunity to be individually accompanied and supported in your academic career by experienced mentors. Application period until 28.02.2021.

Please find the calls for proposals and application forms on the website.

Applications can be submitted to the Diversity and Equal Opportunities Office by e-mail by 15.01.2021 at the latest.

8. Sep 2020

DFG Emphasises Importance of Sex, Gender and Diversity to Research Projects

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Statement of the Senate and website providing information for all scientific disciplines / President Katja Becker: “Reflecting on these dimensions is crucial to the quality of research”

Taking sex, gender and diversity into account in the preparation and implementation of a research project helps to eliminate blind spots and thus increase the scientific quality of the results. For instance, research into the risks of osteoporosis in men has long been neglected, however, it is now known that around one-third of men are affected and require effective treatment. Furthermore, crash test dummies, modelled on both male and female bodies, illustrate individual injury risks for each sex and help to prevent them. In a statement, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) stressed the importance of taking sex, gender and diversity into account in research projects. In doing so, it is adopting a leading role in the German research system. […]

from DFG Press Release No. 18 | 4 September 2020

2. Jun 2020

Survey: COVID-19 Crisis and the Work-Life Balance

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The COVID-19 crisis has had a major impact on our social and professional lives. The Equal Opportunities Working Group of the German Physical Society has prepared a survey. The aim of this non-commercial, “anonymous” (no personal information is collected) survey is to identify the impact of the pandemic on our work-life balance and to help developing sustainable methods to deal with the crisis. It takes approximately 4-10 minutes to complete the survey.

Link to the survey

30. Apr 2020

Restart! MLU-mentoring for women in science – digital and international

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You are a doctoral candidate or postdoctoral researcher at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and you are aiming for a scientific career at university or other academic institutions? Big goals can best be achieved together.

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2. Mar 2020

Interdisciplinary Symposium for Women in MINT (March 30-31, 2020) – cancelled

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27. Jan 2020

Gender in der Lehre für Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaftler*innen (vacant slots | February 11, 2020)

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Dieses Training bietet den Teilnehmenden die Möglichkeit, die Entwicklung ihrer Lehrgestaltung in Hinblick auf eine gender- und diversitätssensible Didaktik auszubauen. Lehrende reflektieren gemeinsam die Inhalte und Methoden ihrer Lehrveranstaltungen und lernen sie zu verbessern. Die Veranstaltung dient dem Überblick über die Vielzahl von gender- und diversitätssensiblen Aspekten in Seminaren und Vorlesungen sowie der diskriminierungskritischen Sprachverwendung in Lehrmaterialien und in der Kommunikation mit Studierenden.

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23. Jan 2020

FEM POWER – Professionalization through Coaching

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The format focusses on an indvidual, professional, goal- and process oriented coaching with up to five sessions during a period of approximately one year.

The following persons at Martin-Luther-Universität are eligible to apply:

  • Posdoctoral researchers
  • Researchers working on their habilitation thesis
  • Group leaders
  • Junior Professors

The next call for applications will be in summer 2020.

If you have questions please contact the project coordinator.

Further information

17. Jan 2020

8th call for applications for the mentoring program for female postdocs

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The mentoring program for female postdocs at the Universities of Halle, Jena and Leipzig will start its 8th round in June 2020.

It is targeted at highly-qualified female Postdocs, researchers undertaking a ‘habilitation’, junior scientist group leaders and junior professors in all disciplines at these universities who were awarded their doctorate at least 2 years ago and aspire to a professorship at a German university.

The focus is on one-to-one mentoring by experienced professors. This is flanked by further training courses on career-relevant key qualifications and the opportunity to establish long-term interdisciplinary peer contacts.

Participation in the programme lasts for one year; an extension is possible.
The aim is to impart knowledge, skills and contacts that are conducive to the efficient planning and pursuit of a career in science.

Application deadline for Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg is 28.02.2020.

Please check the website for further information:

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