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12. Sep 2022

[Ref 3.2] EU-Förderung für Newcomer (Sep-Nov 2022 | online)

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Das Referat 3.2 – Personalentwicklung bietet diesen Kurs für die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der MLU an.

Der online durchgeführte Workshop richtet sich disziplinübergreifend an Antragsberechtigte für Forschungsprojekte und befasst sich schwerpunktmäßig mit dem neuen EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation HORIZONT EUROPA (2021-2027) aber auch mit dazu assoziierten Programmen wie z.B. ERAnets. Ziel des Workshops ist die Vermittlung von Grundlagen zur Förderung von Forschungs- und Innovationsprojekten durch die Europäische Union. Dem Teilnehmerkreis werden die Europäische Forschungsförderlandschaft und ihre Förderinstrumente vorgestellt. Die Teilnehmenden lernen Voraussetzungen zur Beteiligung und die Einstiegsmöglichkeiten kennen. Sie bekommen einen Überblick über die relevanten Akteure und Institutionen. Es werden die Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für EU-Antragsstellungen und -projekte an der MLU vorgestellt.

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9. Aug 2022

[EU network LSA] The ABC of EU research funding – Event A (August 23, 2022)

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The Event “A” – Calls for EU research funding in Horizon Europe – will kick things off. In addition to an insight into the work of the OVGU Research Funding Advisory Service and the EU University Network, funding opportunities in Horizon Europe will be presented. An overview of the program, the conditions of participation, funding forms and funding rules will be given.

The focus of the mediation is on planning and structure of a funding application as well as partner search, review and writing the abstract.

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4. Jul 2022

DFG Funding Opportunities for Postdocs (July 5, 2022)

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You will get a quick overview about the Walter Benjamin, the Emmy Noether and the Heisenberg Programme, as well as the Individual Research Grant with a temporary position for principal investigators. The lecturer will also provide advice on how to prepare your proposal and what happens once you submit it to the DFG. PhD candidates and postdocs of all disciplines from all countries as well as research support staff are welcome to join.

Please note: You can access the event via the link above without any password. The number of participants is limited to max. 1,000.

About Prospects: Online Talk Series on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers

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8. Jun 2022

Online-event „Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Programme” (June 23, 2022)

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The EU-Academic Network Saxony-Anhalt would like to invite you to the online-event Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Actions (MSCA) on the 23rd of June (2pm-5pm).

Speakers from the National Contact Point (NCP) MSC will present „Postdoctoral Fellowships“ in English and „Doctoral Networks“ in German language, added by examples of best practices of successful applicants:

  • 14:00-15:15: MSCA – Postdoctoral Fellowships: Funding opportunities of research projects of experienced researchers within and beyond Europe (in English)
  • 15:45-17:00: MSCA – Doctoral Networks: Funding opportunities of scientific networks and early-stage researchers (in German)

Please find the programme here and put your question in the chat.


For registration just send an e-mail to: . By registering, you consent to the processing of your personal data: Erhebung personenbezogener Daten (Information nach Art. 13 DSGVO).

7. Jun 2022

Career paths of academics

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The newly released website Wissen Schafft Karriere (in German) provides a general overview of career paths in science as well as specific opportunities for a career at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU).

So what does a career in science at MLU look like? A doctorate is often the beginning of an academic career towards a professorship. And yet, the doctorate opens up many other career opportunities, both at MLU and at many other institutions.

The compatibility of family and career or one’s own health have a significant impact on professional development and career. The website also illustrates this and show support options in working life through MLU.

Last but not least, you will find statutes, regulations and templates for various decisions and guidelines relating to career options and organisation at MLU.

12. May 2022

Stipends for doctoral students from the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt

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Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) biannually provides funding for scholarships. The funding comes from the Ministry of Science, Energy, Climate Protection and Environment of the State of Saxony-Anhalt. Start of the funding for this call is in the winter semester.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants are those who

  • have demonstrated a special aptitude for academic work through well above-average study and examination results,
  • have completed a university degree,
  • is preparing for a doctorate at MLU,
  • presents a scientific project that is expected to make an important contribution to research, and
  • is supervised by a (non-retired) university lecturer at MLU.

The scholarship can be applied for every semester. As a rule, it is granted for a period of three years.

Application via faculties

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3. Mar 2022

[Ref 3.2] Drittmittelförderung mit der Möglichkeit zur Habilitation (7. April 2022 | online)

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Das Referat 3.2 – Personalentwicklung bietet diesen Kurs für die Zielgruppe der Postdocs an.

Verschiedene Fördermittelgeber bieten Programme an, die entweder direkt auf die Karriereentwicklung Richtung Habilitation abzielen oder dieses unterstützen können. Sie ermöglichen z.B. die eigenständige Forschung an eigenständige Forschung an eigenen Ideen, Finanzierung für die eigene Stelle (und ein eigenes Team) und sie bieten einen geeigneten Zeitrahmen.

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17. Jan 2022

Support for young scientists with care responsibilities

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Individuals who care for children or family members and teach and conduct research at the same time are currently facing very special challenges, as the Corona pandemic continues to result in frequent caregiver absences.

Please check the following document for your application to student assistant funds via FEMPOWER@MLU, a project of the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity (website) at MLU.

Numerous studies show that the care of (younger) children and the care of relatives in particular leads to considerable burdens for the persons concerned and consequently to strong delays in their qualification and further career steps. The Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity would like to mitigate this disadvantage in the form of personnel support by research assistants.

17. Jan 2022

Equality promotion 2022

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Calls for proposals for Women’s Grants 2022 (in German) at MLU via Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity are online.

Current calls for proposals:

  • Networking funds for the promotion of young female scientists in 2022: PhD students, postdocs, habilitation students and junior professors can apply for funding for 2022 for participation in conferences and further education measures as well as for working group meetings/research stays
  • Students assistant funds: support for female post-docs in research and teaching through auxiliary funds.
  • MINT tutorial funds: application for the establishment of additional MINT study courses by female students in SoSe 2022 and WiSe 2022/23: the costs for tutorials, workshops, working groups or similar in MINT subjects can be funded if female students carry them out.

Terms and application

  • Please contact your dean’s offices.
  • Applications will be sent to the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity via email through the dean’s offices.
  • Application deadline February 15, 2022.

7. Oct 2021

Funding possibilities for the postdoctoral phase (November 8-10, 2021)

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Part I (November 8, 2021) – Funding opportunities for research stays abroad as well as for the own position at home and abroad

The main topics of the workshop are funding possibilities for the postdoc phase (research stays abroad or scientific position in Germany). Funding opportunities from the EU, the DFG and the DAAD will be presented. Main target group are international doctoral candidates, who will finish their doctorate in the near future and postdoctoral researchers who have received their doctoral degree no longer than two years ago. The workshop is organised by the Department 6.1 – Research funding and cooperation and the International Office.


  • Date and time: Monday November, 8 2021, 1:00-5:15 pm
  • Venue: Hallischer Saal, Universitätsring 5, 06108 Halle
  • Seminar language: English
  • Lecturers: Dr. Sigrid Köhne & Dr. Claudia Hübner, Dep. 6.1 Research funding and cooperation, Esther Smykalla, International Office
  • Registration website

Part II (November 9-10, 2021) – Paid to research: how to prepare successful funding applications

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