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News for Postdocs

4. May 2023

How the DFG Supports Research Careers

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What support and funding opportunities does the DFG offer to researchers in early career phases? Where can you find important background information and helpful hints? The DFG website describes your options in each phase of your early research career and offers advice for preparing your first DFG proposal.

Video Clips

Who are the DFG-funded researchers, what is their research about and what do they say about the funding they receive? Find out in our portraying films:

16. Mar 2023

[Ref 3.2] Upcoming workshops

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Ref 3.2 – Human Resources Development of MLU offers the following workshops in German to doctoral students and postdocs of MLU.

Auf dem Weg zur Professur: Wissenschaftskarriere in Deutschland sinnvoll strukturieren – (3 slots left)

  • am 29. März, 09:30 – 17:00 Uhr
  • Dozent: Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf (Trainer und Coach mit Spezialisierung auf den Hochschulbereich)
  • Workshopformat: online

Mehr erfahren

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6. Feb 2023

[U Bremen] Workshop: Research in Europe (May 25, 2023)

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University of Bremen cordially invites you to the one-day information event “Research in Europe” at the University of Bremen on 25 May 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Lecture Halls HS 2010 & HS 1010 (Großer & Kleiner Hörsaal), GW2 level 1 & main stairs.

Organised by the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organizations (KoWi) and the University of Bremen, “Research in Europe” gives an overview on (individual) funding opportunities for early career researchers who aspire to a national and international career in science. Various research and funding organisations present their programmes and institutions. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to discuss your individual questions with the institutions’ representatives at their individual info desks.

Doctoral candidates, postdocs and professors who would like to obtain information for the early career researchers they supervise, as well as those interested in doctoral studies, are cordially invited to participate.

The event is open to everyone; people from outside the University of Bremen are also most welcome. Language of presentation will be English and participation is free of charge. Registration opens 20 March 2023 and we will inform you when the respective website is available.

18. Jan 2023

Equality promotion 2023

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Calls for proposals for Women’s Grants 2023 (in German) at MLU via Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity are online.

Current calls for proposals:

  • Networking funds for the promotion of young female scientists in 2023: PhD students, postdocs, habilitation students and junior professors can apply for funding for 2023 for participation in conferences and further education measures as well as for working group meetings/research stays
  • Students assistant funds: support for female post-docs in research and teaching through auxiliary funds.
  • MINT tutorial funds: application for the establishment of additional MINT study courses by female students in SoSe 2023 and WiSe 2023/24: the costs for tutorials, workshops, working groups or similar in MINT subjects can be funded if female students carry them out.
  • Adjustment measures maternity protection/family times: for (doctoral) students, MLU supports individual adjustment measures according to §§9, 13 MuSchG during pregnancy, breastfeeding and after childbirth in case of individual or job-related restrictions. Application possible at any time.
  • UniBund Mentoring Program for Post-docs: As an advanced post-doc, Habilitandin, junior researcher or junior professor, you will have the opportunity to be individually accompanied and supported in your scientific career by experienced mentors. Application period until 28.02.2023

Terms and application

  • Please contact your dean’s offices.
  • Applications will be sent to the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity via email through the dean’s offices.
  • Application deadline February 20, 2023 (via dean’s office).

8. Dec 2022

[Nature] Focus on Peer Review

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In a free-to-access Focus on Peer Review course, a panel of experienced researchers and Nature Research journal editors teach the foundations of good peer review.

The online courses are taught by Nature Portfolio journal editors, and academic and professional experts. Nature Masterclasses has been developed by Nature Research to provide professional development training for researchers. Nature Research is part of Springer Nature.

5. Dec 2022

Mentoring program for female postdoctoral researchers 2023-2024

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How do I succeed in scientific profiling?
How do I lead a team safely and successfully?
How do I develop project proposals that are worthy of funding?
How do I build up a sustainable network?
The scientific career comes with some questions and challenges!

The mentoring program for female postdocs at the universities of Halle, Jena and Leipzig will again offer eight places per university for advanced female postdocs, habilitation candidates, junior research group leaders or junior professors from June 2023 to support them in their next career steps.

The program is aimed at female scientists who aspire to a professorship and can demonstrate at least two years of independent scientific activity as a postdoc.

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26. Oct 2022

Take 5 minutes to rock your mental health

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Dr. Hendrik Huthoff, coordinator of the UniWiND group on mental health, has written a song about mental health together with Maik Goth and published it on YouTube. Be sure to listen and share!
Watch the music video.

26. Oct 2022

[Die Junge Akademie] Become a member

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Die Junge Akademie stands for the promotion of outstanding young scientists and artists, interdisciplinary work, and work at the intersections between science and society. It offers its members access to a wide, continually growing network as well as an attractive location and financial means for implementing joint interdisciplinary projects.

The members of Die Junge Akademie are united by their pleasure in joint intellectual work and in interdisciplinary exchange, and in tackling unsolved problems by trying new things and applying new perspectives. They come from a wide range of fields and are selected for a duration of five years. They have a research budget that they use for joint scientific and artistic projects, as well as a personal budget that can be used for individual funding.

Membership of Die Junge Akademie is intended for outstanding scientists and artists that can show evidence of a completed doctorate or an artistic work. This work must have been completed at least three, but no more than seven years before the end of the application deadline (Selection 2023: 15 November 2022) and can be demonstrated by the doctorate certificate or a comparable document. Parental, care and sick leave are all taken into account during the selection process.

Further information on the selection process, the application platform and the full text of the call for applications can be found at

11. Oct 2022

[Ref 3.2] Erstes Vorsingen? – Bewerben auf Professuren (November 24-25, 2022 | online)

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Das Referat 3.2 – Personalentwicklung bietet diesen Kurs an.

Ziel dieses Berufungstrainings ist es, die Teilnehmenden auf alle Phasen des Bewerbungsprozesses optimal vorzubereiten. Wir beschäftigen uns mit den nötigen Qualifikationen für eine Juniorprofessur oder Professur, den schriftlichen Bewerbungsunterlagen sowie mit inhaltlichen und strategischen Überlegungen für Berufungsvortrag, Lehrprobe und Kommissionsgespräch. Wir thematisieren dabei die wichtigsten Stationen und die kritischen Momente des Auswahlprozesses, typische Fragen im Kommissionsgespräch, mögliche Fallstricke während des Berufungsvortrags und der Lehrprobe, aber auch die ambivalenten Interessen innerhalb einer Berufungskommission. Darüber hinaus trainieren wir die erfolgreiche Selbstpräsentation sowie die Herausstellung der eigenen Qualifikationen in den verschiedenen Phasen des Berufungsverfahrens.


Postdocs aller Karrierestufen

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15. Sep 2022

Press release guidelines for scientists by ESA

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““Press releases” are one of the main vehicles used by a communication office to inform the world about scientific advances. Naturally the results themselves should make a press release, but a few simple guidelines can help to make the release a success. Although the main target group for press releases is the press, press releases do reach further. Press releases communicate important information to decision-makers, other mediators, scientists and even to the public. It is critically important always to tailor the style, level and content of a press release to suit the needs of the press and not the secondary target groups mentioned.” (from ESA)

Read more at scientists guideline of the European Space Agency (ESA)

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