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News from graduate schools

14. Sep 2020

[IAMO Graduate School] Free slots: Basic Principles of Research Design and Strategy (October 21-22, 2020)

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Quick-and-dirty number-crunching ‘quantoids’ face them. Carefully describing and interpreting ‘smooshes’ face them. No matter where they stand on ontological and epistemological grounds and how we stereotype the respective ‘other side’, all researchers face similar challenges posed to core issues of research design. A research design is a plan that specifies how you plan to carry out a research project and, particularly, how you expect to use evidence to answer your research question.

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8. Apr 2020

[TRR227] Update: Time and career management for scientists (webinar no vacant slot| May 7 & 28)

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Update: All slots of the online webinar of the iRTG of SFB/TRR 227 “Ultrafast Spin Dynamics” are filled. The webinar is equivalent to two workshop days, spread over three weeks. This course includes two live webinar sessions on May 7th and 28th.

In this course you will learn…
The basic principles of time-management

  • What do I want to achieve this year professionally and personally?
  • Your 168 hours: How much do you actually work? How much of this is towards your goals?
  • For what to spend time?
  • How to (not) schedule your calendar?
  • E-mails, meetings and phone calls
  • Science-life balance
  • Time-management during Home-Office

Further information at the website of the iRTG “Ultrafast Spin Dynamics”

3. Mar 2020

iDiv Summer School 2020 – Pollination Ecology (July 6-11, 2020 | cancelled)

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We are happy to announce the iDiv Summer School 2020 “Pollination Ecology”, 6 to 11 July 2020, in Leipzig, Germany. This iDiv Summer School is led by Tiffany Knight and Amibeth Thompson, iDiv research group Spatial Interaction Ecology.

During the six summer school days, participants will be immersed into the field of pollination ecology with lectures, computer labs using the programming language R, fieldwork, plant and insect identification, and data analysis (Species Accumulation Curves, Linear Regression, NMDS, Network Metrics). In addition, students will have opportunities to attend iDiv Seminars and exchange with iDiv researchers.

The summer school aims to attract early career scientists (bachelor, master, or PhD level) from around the world with an overall interest in pollination ecology and interest in fieldwork.

The application deadline is Sunday, 5 April 2020.

For more information and the link for application, please visit

18. Dec 2019

Find the right career path and be successful – Winterschool for Postdocs (March 2-6, 2020)

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Aims and scope

The ScienceCampus Halle – Plant-Based Bioeconomy is organising a winter school for postdocs and doctoral students at an advanced stage from 02 to 06 March 2020. The aim is to develop a professional orientation in the academic and non-academic field. Please note that the Winter School offers a selection of the following complementary skills workshop:

  • How to find your Job on the German Non-Academic Labour Market
  • Blast your fussy mind – Entrepreneurship as career option
  • Third-applications for one´s own position in the postdoc phase
  • Research data management
  • Intellectual Property rights and alternative forms of protection
  • How to use Networking to Advantage
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