Spokesman: Prof. Dr. Kay Saalwächter, coordinator: Dr. Ann-Kristin Flieger
funding period 2011-2023 by DFG at Faculty of Natural Sciences II
The graduate program provides in-depth training in interdisciplinary soft matter research, including the design and preparation of specific materials. A thorough understanding of the basic principles of chemistry, physics and engineering of polymers and soft matter are aims of the research within our graduate school. [read more]
The graduate school is part of the collaborative research center “Polymer under multiple constraints” (SFB/TRR 102) (Spokesman: Prof. Dr. Thomas Thurn-Albrecht, website
- Leipzig University
- Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems (Halle)
- Leibniz Institute for Surface Modification (Leipzig)
- Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces (MPIKG) in Potsdam/Golm