R has become a leading statistical programming language in data science and statistics. The R software is free, highly extensible, and allows to easily produce publication-quality plots. The aim of this course is to equip participants with the basic skills to effectively use the software R, embedded in the user interface RStudio. These skills will cover data import, processing and data exploration, graphical representations with ggplot2, basic concepts of statistical inference and linear regression. All topics will be demonstrated in working examples and practiced with hands on examples.
In the first two days we are going to teach the basic functionality of R, RStudio, and ggplot2. Day three and four are dedicated to the application of statistical tests, which will be extended to linear mixed-effects models.
Leipzig University organizes a lecture series on career and everyday life in academia of postdocs. This time the topic is
How to write an academic CV
The CV is a complete summary of all of your academic achievements and can be as long as needed. Although it will grow longer as your academic career progresses, you’ll want to make sure that you include accomplishments that are relevant and important. You also want to make sure to address assessment fields that are relevant for applications to a professorship, that the CV is complete and stylistically consistent. However, there are different approaches to do so and finding the way that appeals to you personally is just as important as continuously updating your CV.
During this lunch lecture, we address these issues with the focus on academic CVs for applying for professorships in Germany. There will be a short input and enough time for discussion afterwards.
The doctoral academy “Business and Leadership Ethics” offers the following writing retreat to doctoral students at MLU and other European universities who are working on topics related to business or leadership ethics.
The academy is delighted to announce the second Writing Retreat taking place May 11th -15th in Wittenberg, Germany, as part of our Doctoral Academy, an initiative hosted by the Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics (WCGE) and the Friede Springer Chair of Business Ethics and Management Accounting (MLU). This distinguished program, generously funded by the KSG Foundation, offers doctoral candidates a platform to advance their research, engage with renowned scholars, and foster meaningful connections between theoretical inquiry and practical application within the fields of business, and leadership ethics. For a deeper look into the Doctoral Academy, make sure to check out the brochure.
The CZS STEM Impact School is an advanced training and continuing education program for researchers from the STEM disciplines. The aim of the project is to teach the basic principles of effective, quality-oriented and socially relevant science communication. The CZS STEM Impact School comprises five modules that build on each other and help participants to develop an individual communication and impact plan for their research. In addition, the project offers space for inter- and transdisciplinary networking as well as for reflection and creative exchange among researchers. The CZS STEM Impact School offers six courses a year, two of which take place digitally and four at different locations in Germany.
The teaching materials developed in the project will be made available as Open Educational Resources in the future to enable subsequent use in other contexts.
A total of three 3-day Impact Schools will take place in the first half of 2025:
8.-10.04.2025, Online (German-speaking)
13.-15.05.2025, Erfurt (German-speaking)
23.-25.06.2025, Berlin (English-speaking)
You may now apply for these Impact Schools. The application deadline is February 18. Further dates will be announced in spring 2025.
As a scientist, your reputation is your personal brand. You’re going to have one whether you choose to influence it in a particular direction or not. How others perceive you stems largely in part from your research results, your behaviors, and your overall actions. Just as in the business world, your personal brand is what defines how successful you can become, and it’s vital that you spend a portion of your resources to cultivate and protect it. In this workshop we will explore networking as an important aspect of those efforts.
Exploring your ‘presence’ and receiving feedback from the group
Developing a workable elevator pitch
Increasing your self-awareness
The opportunity to examine critically both your professional identity and your value proposition
The next PhD Round Table will take place on Wednesday, 5th of February 2025, 7 pm at Irish Fiddler in the Große Ulrichstraße 37. As always, you can meet other PhD students and postdocs as well as PhD Network staff at the monthly get-together and network.
Insights into how to effectively structure scientific papers and practical advice on how to develop convincing narratives for scientific publications;
Input, especially aiming at non-native English speakers, on how to improve academic writing skills by highlighting typical features and composing elements commonly applied and expected by native speakers of English;
Interactive editing and feedback session, including a 1:1mentoring session by the trainer for each participant.
The interactive training is especially recommended for doctoral researchers in the early stages of their doctorate, but it is also a motivating and beneficial refresher for more advanced doctoral researchers 😊. More info is available here. If you would like to sign up, please email .
This IGS course particularly emphasizes writing and formulation skills for non-native English speakers.
Organsation und Leitung: Prof. Dr. Christoph Menke (JWG Frankfurt am Main), Dr. Karl Tetzlaff (Stiftung Leucorea)
Bewerbungsfrist bis 10.02.2025
Die LEUCOREA arbeitet seit 30 Jahren als Forschungs- und Kongresszentrum an einem der Standorte der alten Wittenberger Universität gleichen Namens. Die geförderten, initiierten und von der Stiftung getragenen Forschungsprojekte fokussieren den historischen Bezug der Wittenberger Reformation und seine Bedeutung für die Formierung von Neuzeit und Moderne. Im Zentrum stehen Transformationsprozesse, die durch reformatorische Impulse seit dem 16. Jahrhundert in Sozialleben, Medizin, Rechtsprechung, Kunst, Philosophie und Theologie ausgelöst wurden. Als eine der Gesellschafterinnen der Reformationsgeschichtlichen Forschungsbibliothek Wittenberg (RFB) beteiligt sie sich auch am wissenschaftlichen Programm dieser Forschungseinrichtung.
Vom 24.-26.3.2025 findet zum zweiten Mal das Graduiertenforum LEUCOREA statt. Ziel dieses Veranstaltungsformats ist es, Doktorand*innen und Postdoktorand*innen unterschiedlicher geistes-, kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Fächer einen Raum für einen mehrtätigen interdisziplinären Austausch zu bieten. Dazu werden interessante Denkerinnen und Denker der Gegenwart, von deren Werk sich ein Bezug zur reformatorischen Ideenwelt herstellen lässt, nach Wittenberg eingeladen. Ihr Denken soll im Zentrum des interdisziplinären Austauschs stehen und in gemeinsamer Textarbeit ein Stück weit erschlossen werden. Den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern wird die Möglichkeit eingeräumt, thematisch einschlägige Forschungsprojekte vorzustellen und zu diskutieren. Teil des Programms ist darüber hinaus ein öffentlicher Abendvortrag des Referenten / der Referentin.
Focused writing time – community and exchange – feedback and support
The gender*bildet writing week offers academics with gender-related issues the opportunity to devote themselves intensively to a writing project as part of their qualification or research – be it a dissertation or habilitation, an abstract, an article or a research proposal. The centrepiece is the focused writing time together, which not only promotes productivity, but also enables students to be mindful of their own resources. In addition, individual writing coaching offers targeted support for specific challenges and helps to develop customised solutions. Participants are invited to withdraw from everyday life for a week and devote themselves entirely to their research work. They can write undisturbed, exchange ideas and find support in a concentrated environment far away from the university and the world of work.
An intensive week to write on your PhD thesis or research project
Leipzig University organizes a lecture series on career and everyday life in academia of postdocs. This time the topic is
New year, new opportunities: my (career) goals for 2025
In this interactive lunch lecture, we will collaboratively work on your New Year’s resolutions: What topics are important to you? How do you want to develop your career? What competencies do you wish to enhance? What goals are you aiming for? You will approach these questions both analytically and through creative methods. Strategic career planning is as crucial as maintaining a humorous and supportive perspective on your own aspirations.
The “Lunch Lectures” are an online mini-series of inputs from Academic Staff Development, which take place monthly from 12:30 to 13:30. Afterwards, the room remains open for further exchange and networking until 14:15. Please register for the individual events.