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21. Jul 2021

[UFZ] Balancing cooperation and competition in science (Sep 30 / Nov 9, 2021)

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You are invited to register for the UFZ Career Center workshop “Balancing cooperation and competition in science” on 30.09./09.11.2021.

Workshop content: While cooperation is publicly emphasized, the everyday work of scientists’ can also lead to overt or covert competition within a team or organization. Competition between team colleagues is particularly delicate. While cooperation is the ideal this course assumes that competition among scientist is inevitable to a certain extent. Learn how to cope with and even benefit from it. The training is led by Nina Bessing.

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21. Jul 2021

[UKH] Need for blood donations

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The blood donation center at UKH is in urgent need of blood donations.

Ideal prerequisites are:

  • healthy, male, younger than 30 years, understanding and speaking of German (for clarification purposes).

Further information:

20. Jul 2021

Zeit Campus Ratgeber Promotion

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Der ZEIT CAMPUS Ratgeber Promotion ist der Begleiter für (angehende) Promovierende auf allen Stationen der Promotion: von der Entscheidung über die Planung und Durchführung der Arbeit bis zu den letzten Nachtschichten vor der Abgabe. (von Zeit Campus)

19. Jul 2021

[Ref 3.2] Intensive Preparatory English for Academics (August 16-September 10, 2021)

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This course is a four week, five sessions per week class.

The goal of the course is to review both the basics of English grammar and tense structures, as well as, prepare students for writing long form texts in English. 
The course is designed with PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers in mind. A homework will be assigned at the end of every class, which is to be handed in that afternoon by email for correction.

The following core themes are part of this course:
concise and clear formulation on English sentences.


  • Proficiency in English (at least B2-level)

Terms and Applications


Karl Kuras is a native speaker working at Sprachenzentrum at MLU.

12. Jul 2021

Sports: Men and women react differently to a missing audience

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Here you find the doctoral student’s profile of Amelie Heinrich. She published results of her doctoral studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and shared the research more widely with a press release.

About the author:

A. Heinrich
  • Amelie Heinrich ORCHID ID
  • Research area(s): Sport Psychology, Elite Sports
  • Institute of Sport Science link, MLU

Field(s) of expertise during doctoral studies:

  • Psychophysiological factors of motor performance
  • Visual perception and attention
  • Social context and sport performance (e.g., audience, co-acting competitors)
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8. Jul 2021

[DFG] Online Portal “Research Integrity”

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The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) has expanded its Research Integrity portal to include an English version. The third level of the Code of Conduct “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice” is now also accessible as an up-to-date source of reference to international, non-German-speaking target groups. (from DFG press release)

The English version of the Research Integrity portal is available at:

7. Jul 2021

yDiv – third funding phase granted

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The German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig and its graduate school yDiv have succeeded in the application for further funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) until 2024. The Joint Committee of the DFG approved support for iDiv in the third funding phase on July 6, 2021.

“[…] Also contributing to the reputation of the research centre is its graduate school, with almost 80 doctoral researchers. This will be expanded to include a programme for postdoctoral researchers in the new funding phase.” (from yDiv press release, July 6, 2021)

See also “DFG verlängert Förderung für iDiv um weitere drei Jahre” at Campus Halensis.

1. Jul 2021

How to Master a Job Interview (August 2 and 5, 2021 | online)

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  • Preparation and phases of interviews
  • Answering trick questions 
  • Salary negotiation strategies
  • Determination of salaries
  • Self-presentation practice in small groups
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29. Jun 2021

Love: How the feeling of power determines happy relationships

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Here you find the doctoral student’s profile of Robert Körner. He published results of his doctoral studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and shared the research more widely with a press release.

About the author:

R. Körner
  • Robert Körner ORCHID IDResearchGate
  • Research area(s): Social Psychology, Personality Psychology
  • Institute of Psychology (link), MLU

Field(s) of expertise during doctoral studies:

  • Power in Romantic Relationships
  • Power Posing
  • Power and Language
  • Measurement of Social Hierarchy Constructs
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21. Jun 2021

[UL] Themenwoche: FAIR FORSCHEN (12.-15. Juli 2021)

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Vom 12. bis 15. Juli veranstaltet die Research Academy Leipzig, die zentrale Service-Einrichtung zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses an der Universität Leipzig, die Themenwoche „Fair forschen. Betreuung, Datenethik und Konfliktlösung in der Wissenschaft“ – oder kurz #fairforschen.

Themenwoche „Fair forschen. Betreuung, Datenethik und Konfliktlösung in der Wissenschaft“ der Research Academy Leipzig, Illustration: Sophia Lehmann

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